#dev 2021-08-31

2021-08-31 UTC
It’s about time I finally get around to adding PKCE support to Authl. Are there any IndieAuth providers that I can use for the purpose of testing the implementation?
something like indieauth.rocks except, y’know, existing
I guess I could see if SelfAuth supports it yet
Authorio uses PKCE
Indielogin.com does too
oh providers nvm
In fact until recently it required PKCE, I had to fix a bug to make it work with legacy clients like beesbuzz
Authl is the client, beesbuzz.biz is just a site that uses Authl 😛
From the IndieAuth spec it isn’t clear to me what the PKCE verification flow is, or what this actually does to help with verification in the first place.
maxwelljoslyn[d] joined the channel
I don't think IndieAuth is the place to describe the underlying ideas there
I have trouble following RFC7636
i do have plenty of material in my OAuth videos that talk about the why
I even talked about it on the latest Changelog podcast episode
It’s actually pretty simple, as long as you have libraries that do sha256 and base64 encoding
okay so the thing with Authl is that it doesn’t actually use tokens
it only cares about the login side of things, it’s not using it to make any remote API requests or anything. it’s purely an identity service.
The code_challenge you generate is independent of the token flow
and from what I’m seeing, PKCE is used to verify the authenticity of a token, is that correct?
No, it makes sure that the same thing that redeems the authorization code is the same thing that requested it
No, PKCE is used also on the no-token flow, which is why Authorio originally didn’t work with Authl
ah okay so it’s part of the auth code verification too?
okay, the RFC’s just kinda hard for me to parse for whatever reason. So, if I understand correctly: when I initiate the auth request I include a code_challenge=base64(sha256(garbagestring)), and then when I do the verification request I include code_verifier=garbagestring ?
PKCE aid used in the token flow too, when the client requests a token
Yes exactly
ok, it’s that last bit I wasn’t getting
that seems easy enough for me to add
if you don't care about why, the IndieAuth spec should have enough in it to ignore RFC7636
the indieauth spec talks about sending the code_challenge but I’m not seeing where it talks about the code_verifier
or maybe I’m just dumb
oh I’m just dumb
now that I know what to look for I found it 😛
You should probably also include code_challenge_method=S256 although I’m not sure any implementation actually checks for that
yeah I figured that was implied
but good to call that out explicitly for the log’s sake
it is probable
so, interesting wrinkle… Authl by default stashes the state data in the state value itself. Which means if someone’s savvy to that and notices that Authl is using an itsdangerous signed session cookie thing for that storage, they’d be able to extract the verifier out of it.
aaronpk[d] if I want to propose a change to the indieauth spec is the best way to just make a PR?
Authl *can* be configured to use local storage for things but this was a design decision I made to keep things simple for deployment.
rattroupe[d]: If it's relatively straightforward yes, otherwise an issue first to discuss it
Oh I actually meant an issue
State is sent in the clear as a param on the initial GET request to the auth endpoint
So putting secrets in there is a security hole I would think
yeah, exactly why I raise that as a concern
I think this might be why I abandoned adding PKCE the last time I looked into it? It feels familiar.
I think I’ll add a configuration note to Authl that it’s highly recommended to use a local token store instead of signed tokens.
I forget if Publ just uses signed session tokens or if it actually implements a local store.
oh wait I was wrong, Authl defaults to local storage. Phew.
I forget when I made that change.
but the original reason for using signed session cookie-style things was to make it easier to support a load-balanced configuration and I guess at some point I decided that wasn’t a reasonable default to go with? Who knows.
Wait no, the Flask wrapper actually defaults to using the signed cookies. Well, that’s the place to change that then.
if you can use signed cookies you can probably use encrypted cookies, in which case it's fine to tuck that into the state parameter
itsdangerous doesn’t support encryption, just HMAC-style signing 😞
It’s intended to be tamper-proof, not secret.
I should look into an alternate storage mechanism for that stuff though, it wouldn’t be that hard to change the serializing token store to use an actual encryption library instead of simple signing
@rattroupe mind testing logging in at authl-dev.plaidweb.site?
It should do PKCE now.
Just a sec…
to paraphrase Knuth, I’ve only unit tested it, not verified that it works
i saw PKCE in the request, but my site returned HTTP 400 on the verification
it looks like rattroupe was able to log in but maybe his PKCE verification is broken 🙂
oh, one possible problem is that I’m using random bytes rather than URL-safe characters
so maybe something along the way is hecking that up
wait no I changed to secrets.token_urlsafe which only uses URL-safe characters
so no encoding issues should be happening in the verifier
It does look ok on my end…
maybe a bug on aaron’s verifier then? 😉
I’m instrumenting my code path and will try again
yeah I can add some extra logging on my end too
Sigh, problem is on my end, it’s not actually verifying
[aaronpk] try again? I have logging for the challenge and verifier
although I’m going to eat dinner now so it’ll be a bit before I can check
Meanwhile I have to try and figure out why I’m losing the challenge code
hendursaga joined the channel
oh I bet I need to use `b64_urlencode` instead of `b64encode`
er, `urlsafe_b64encode`
also make sure your sha256 function is returning raw bytes that you're encoding. sometimes those functions return hex strings by default
yeah it does
anyway I have it running with urlsafe_base64
in case you want to try aga}n, Aaron
oh except when I redeployed I lost the debug logging that would have helped diagnose fiddly bits
but maybe it works now
same error
it remembered what I typed in the login box, nice touch
dang, let me add the debug logging back in and we can sort it out
yeah I care about UX 🙂
okay, I have some debug logging added in
try again?
so on the request I got verifier=vBwzVHgdeSqHY9Ntrr40mkuRaifMDvh-KOjge6tlP8c and a redirect URL of
Aaron Parecki
thank you loqi
oh i think you left the trailing = on the code challenge
yeah, does the spec say I shouldn’t do that? 😛
so it does
ooh, indieauth doesn't actually spell it out explicitly. that would be a good note to add
well, it sort of does say that
but the RFC does
okay so the RFC actually gives a base64-url-encode that’s different than what python’s urlsafe_b64encode does
well, slightly different
yeah i don't know what the python function is
okay the python function does the same encoding substitution but it doesn’t remove the trailing padding
i always just write my own around the built in base64 encode because it's not that complicated
Okay, should be fixed now, try again?
I’m still trying to figure out why I’m losing my session
seems like having Aaron test is enuogh
I trust his implementation to be exactingly correct
Alright I think I’ve figured out what the issue on my end is, but it’s late fir me so I’m going to have to pick this up tomorrow
I am back
but on phone now, let's see if this works
It worked!
thanks aaronpk++
aaronpk has 39 karma in this channel over the last year (114 in all channels)
woo, Authl 0.5.2 released and deployed to beesbuzz.biz, with PKCE and also the fixes to profile caching
Search engine is open source snarfed, GWG, sknebel, [tantek]: https://github.com/capjamesg/indieweb-search
[edit] Search engine is open source snarfed, GWG, sknebel, [tantek]: https://github.com/capjamesg/indieweb-search
[capjamesg] indieweb-search: Source code for the IndieWeb search engine.
[capjamesg] indieweb-search: Source code for the IndieWeb search engine.
Seirdy, hendursa1, grantcodes[d] and Nezteb[d] joined the channel
[tantek] what I meant by 'speed gate' was that Google's oneboxes have to complete within a deadline (100ms or so) or it ignores them in constructing the results page. That's harder if you're calling multiple separate endpoints (though doable if the various algorithms are running locally and you're loading them as modules)
tetov-irc joined the channel
That's interesting.
rommudoh[m], reed, hala-bala[m], lasr[m], Abhas[m], astralbijection[, Lohn, vikanezrimaya, SamWilson[m], diegov, cambridgeport90[, P[m], LaBcasse[m], nekr0z, benatkin, nertzy__, nolith and chenghiz_ joined the channel
capjamesg++ congrats!
capjamesg has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (9 in all channels)
Thanks [snarfed]. The index is 35,000 documents large so far. It's been working in the background today / yesterday.
Unfortunately the search engine is really slow on PythonAnywhere but on localhost it's super quick. So I need to research that before saying "hey, this indieweb search engine exists"
PythonAnywhere's advice is to move to MySQL / PostgreSQL.
Because it's faster on their infrastructure. I just can't be bothered to set up a web server but it looks like I'll have to.
nolith and [arush] joined the channel
capjamesg++ yay! 🎉
capjamesg has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (10 in all channels)
You can laugh Loqi?
gives Loqi a laugh
runs away from the laugh
gives Loqi a joke
laughs at the joke
well well well
that is literally the sociology of laughter
KartikPrabhu, Seirdy and jjuran joined the channel
@[fluffy] aaronpk[d] I finally got all the bugs worked out of Authorio’s PKCE
[aciccarello] and Seirdy joined the channel
[Projects] easy-as-python/django-webmention A way to integrate webmention endpoint discovery and webmention receipts into a Django project. #djangonews https://github.com/easy-as-python/django-webmention
tetov-irc joined the channel