#dev 2021-09-20

2021-09-20 UTC
nertzy, IWSlackGateway, Seirdy, rommudoh[m], Loqi, unrelentingtech and diegov joined the channel
jamietanna, Jack1, grantcodes[d], hendursa1, unrelentingtech[, tetov-irc, shoesNsocks, hendursaga and nertzy joined the channel
Telegraph << https://mention.tech/ has similar features too
ok, I added "https://mention.tech/ has similar features too" to the "See Also" section of /Telegraph https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=77017&oldid=50028
Telegraph << https://webmention.app/ can also parse a page and send webmentions on its behalf
ok, I added "https://webmention.app/ can also parse a page and send webmentions on its behalf" to the "See Also" section of /Telegraph https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=77018&oldid=77017
shoesNsocks1 joined the channel
@CofoundryCMS sounds like a good area for new Micropub and webmention standards support... not to mention, #indieweb post kinds as custom entities? thoughts from the Indieweb community?
akevinhuang, kimberlyhirsh[d] and [snarfed] joined the channel
Zegnat: Was just thinking we should discuss that research you did in Client Information Discovery and come up with a proposal
IWSlackGateway2, tetov-irc, [tw2113_Slack_], [fluffy] and Seirdy joined the channel