[tantek]I really hate how much the "simple" act of displaying *static* charts & graphs on the web requires enabling some number of scripts per page. Why is this a thing? Are there no good server-side generated charts & graphs tools/frameworks?
[tantek][chrisaldrich] in the newsletter there is zero indication that it came from a bookmark on your site, so it looks like it is showing a bug on Tracy's site instead, which is unfortunate
[chrisaldrich]I think I've got mark up for the title within the reply context, IndieNews just doesn't pick it up. If I were to have put a comment on my bookmark, IndieNews would have shown that as a note along with what's currently there.
[chrisaldrich]I can temporarily try to add a title to my two posts and resend the webmentions to hack a fix?? But we see this bug pop up every couple of weeks.
[chrisaldrich]Odd, it looks like even if I add an explicit title to my post it doesn't add it like it used to. I'd have to dig into changes I may have made since this used to work for me at some point. It'll take longer than I've got to be able to do tonight.
[tantek]I guess what I don't understand is if it's grabbing the URL for Tracy's post, from the h-cite, why isn't it also grabbing the p-name from that too?
capjamesg[d]I'd love to see something come of this. I have been doing an overhaul of the recrawl logic for IndieWeb search and ran into a bit of an issue with how exactly I should go about identifying rel="alternate" h-feeds.
capjamesg[d]I suppose that technically I could parse the contents of the feed, see that it is HTML, and then decide to look for h-feeds, but a specific mime type would prevent me from having to make that assumption.