#dev 2021-10-03
2021-10-03 UTC
Seirdy, Nuve, IWSlackGateway1, [jeremycherfas]1 and Memicme1 joined the channel; Poorchop left the channel
shoesNsocks1, feoh7, gerben_, ben_thatmustbeme, joshproehl_, klez_, justache0, stevestreza_, IWSlackGateway2, [marksuth]1, [jeremycherfas]3 and akevinhuang2 joined the channel
alex_ and feoh joined the channel
lahacker[d], Memicme, BinarySavior_, _rattroupe[d], tetov-irc2, Saphire, gerben, justache, ben_thatmustbeme, Memicme2, [schmarty]1, [snarfed]1, Jamietanna1, willnorris_, chee1, edburns[d], alex_ and shoesNsocks1 joined the channel
hendursa1 and Loqi joined the channel
shoesNsocks, chenghiz_, akevinhuang, akevinhuang2, barryf[d] and Murray[d] joined the channel
kimberlyhirsh[d] joined the channel
# Webmention
W3C protocol for notifying a URL when a website links to it
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webmention ( twitter.com/_/status/1444767023960104972)
KartikPrabhu, aaronpk[d], hendursaga and tetov-irc joined the channel