@_breeeeen_HTTP status: 200: OK 201: Oh new stuff 304: Oh god it’s the cache 401: fuck off 404: oh god it’s DNS 422: No one knows what this is but everyone uses it 500: I’m not ok (I promise) 502: not my fault, the cloud is hard 200 but with an error: you’re using GraphQL aren’t you (twitter.com/_/status/1451685041709457418)
[jacky]> Also, there's a bit of functionality that I haven't seen expressed but is maybe possible with DIDs and the like: being able to make an authenticated request to a webfinger endpoint so that you can obtain restricted profile information - the user interface would be "tim@textuality.eth would like to know your phone number? Grant permission?", and the API would be `POST webfinger-endpoint/private-resource/request` with an auth header
[jacky]identifying the requestor. I think this is an important bit of functionality if we're talking about account linking, because there are plenty of scenarios where knowing one linked identity _does not_ imply being able to know other linked identities.
[jacky]I found this interesting because it's something I think I might want to use with my site - showing more `rel=me` values if someone's signed into it _or_ has passed a test that confirms that I'd want to show them some other identifiers
[jacky]Like if I don't want to link to my Trakt profile publicly but if it's someone who asks for it in some other context (like attempting to see what I watch and wanting to verify backlinks), I can give it to them (I can see TicketAuth helping out here as well)