#dev 2021-11-07

2021-11-07 UTC
hs0ucy, alex11, akevinhuang2 and nertzy joined the channel
I should stop filing PRs against IndieAuth, but... https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/pull/107
[dshanske] #107 Add User Info Endpoint and Clarify Return
it is probable
alex11 joined the channel
akevinhuang, maxwelljoslyn[d], danshika42[d], marksuth[d], hendursa1, justUnited, Nuve, tetov-irc, [KevinMarks], hs0ucy, Zegnat, [Serena], schmudde and kogepan joined the channel
whoa that's a fascinating POSSE-full-post-as-image to Twitter example. are there many folks doing that?
seems like a technique worth documenting (even if there's only "one" example, so far)
aaronpk, have you ever considered that ^ technique?
I've seen other examples of POSSE-full-post-as-image to Instagram, in particular as a /multiphoto, e.g. one paragraph per "photo"
I manual until it hurts do that when the text won't fit in a tweet (and I paste the text in as alt)
ooh that's very clever. what's the length limit of alt text for a photo in a tweet?
manual POSSE-post-as-image still counts [KevinMarks], another good reason to document it
1000 chars I think
So 4000 with 4 images
angelo joined the channel
Would be great to link to some docs on that
I saw that Instagram on web allows you to add alt text too.
I don’t know what the limit is.
Instagram tries to guess the contents of images to make alt text too.
Something like “may contain…”
A good thread on why those kinds of alt text generators are useless https://twitter.com/Abebab/status/1456935291445518339?s=20
But not so fast. Automated image captioning suffers from the same kind of bipolar performance seen in language translation. When it’s good, it seems almost magical. But its errors can range from slightly off to completely nonsensical. #Mitchell https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FDgS0PkWEAcynDX.png
When I gave Microsoft’s CaptionBot the “soldier in the airport with dog” photo, the system’s output was “A man holding a dog.” Sort of. Except for the “man” part. #Mitchell https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FDgUAwXWQAQJzPM.png
But this caption misses everything interesting about the photo, everything about the way it speaks to us, to our experience, emotions, and knowledge about the world. That is, it misses the meaning of the photo.#Mitchell https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FDgUIrbXIAMOJ2W.png
schmudde, hs0ucy and eliss joined the channel
Jamietanna1: Addressed your issue
hendursaga, nertzy, kimberlyhirsh[d], ax1, lagash and tetov-irc joined the channel
I don't understand the caption-related tweets KevinMarks, what point were they connected to?
akevinhuang joined the channel