#dev 2021-11-12

2021-11-12 UTC
Seirdy and Agnessa[d] joined the channel
[snarfed] joined the channel
^ nice, and appreciated. Bridgy's support for Twitter block lists probably isn't very well known
ChrisHarris[m], plindner[m], nertzy, nertzy_, Darius_Dunlap[d], [jacky], joshproehl, KartikPrabhu and jeremycherfas joined the channel
Me too [KevinMarks] 🙂
ranuzz and jeremycherfas joined the channel
[snarfed] how does this work? Does blockpartyapp have a general list that is read and interpreted by Bridgy, or is it my authenticated twitter account that can then get blocks and mutes via blockpartyapp?
ok, I added "https://invisibleup.com//articles/38/" to a brand new "See Also" section of /Web_3.0 https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=77805&oldid=77804
sebsel and ranuzz joined the channel
Inspired by yesterday's @IndieWebCamp, I reorganised webmentions on my blog for likes and reposts to be a list of names rather than just output what looks like 'comment'. Through a couple of fairly ugly hacks, it saves lots of space!
kogepan, jeremycherfas, ranuzz, tetov-irc, schmudde, rommudoh[m], reed, benatkin, Abhas[m], samwilson, astralbijection[, doubleloop[m], diegov, vikanezrimaya, Lohn, ChrisHarris[m], unrelentingtech, mambang[m], plindner[m], micahrl[m], npd[m], LaBcasse[m], EvanBoehs[m], mackeveli_ and nekr0z joined the channel
aaronpk: for 2 (as mentioned in #indieweb): do a Micropub request with h-feed as the main object? 😛
i was thinking more like having the client keep track of the URLs as it creates them when it comes back online
Oh yes, then it would work for any micropub endpoint
I believe twitter does something similar, as it takes a while to post a thread
ranuzz joined the channel
aaronpk, would you ever author posts in the thread from different devices (while offline) ?
rommudoh[m], reed, Abhas[m], benatkin, samwilson, doubleloop[m], astralbijection[, Lohn, vikanezrimaya, diegov, ChrisHarris[m] and mambang[m] joined the channel
Does anyone use Arch Linux?
Ooh that's a tricky one [tantek]... possibly yes, since I can imagine wanting to switch between phone while walking around and laptop while in the plane. Tho I might be willing to compromise and force myself to use only one
I ask because depending on that choice you may go down very different design/coding paths
jamietanna joined the channel
capjamesg[d] I do :)
also makes the UI difficult: how do you keep track of the order of posts when they are on different devices without URLs
That part is timestamps, the big question is whether they're traditional Twitter threads where each in sequence is a reply to the next, or if they are more like a collection
jamietanna Would you recommend it?
I have been thinking about a move for at least a month.
I recommend everyone has a play with it at some point - it's more stable than a lot of people say, and I've had fewer blockers than a friend on Ubuntu, but it's definitely worth installing on a secondary machine to start with instead of being your primary device - maybe start with a VM if possible, then you can try the install process more safely :D
akevinhuang, kogepan_ and [jacky] joined the channel
conneg has -5 karma over the last year
ran into some issues with indieauth only to find out I've been only considering JSON as a valid input
kogepan_ joined the channel
↩️ test balas sebagai komentar #webmention
akevinhuang joined the channel
conneg++ :P
conneg has -4 karma over the last year
what issues were you seeing, [jacky]?
I didn't consider the use of form encoded values in the request body for an endpoint, lol
rewrote some logic to do that now (might have to publish it for the thing I'm using)
akevinhuang2 and barryf[d] joined the channel
Do we still have conneg anywhere in IndieAuth? I think it was all POST requests *always* being form encoded, and returned contents *always* being JSON encoded?
KartikPrabhu and schmudde joined the channel
I don't think so
jamietanna I might install arch this weekend. I have a formatted USB drive ready to go!
if you value your sanity, just install plain old debian and use snap/flatpak for the shiny new stuff. Arch has the most incredible wiki in the linux world, but that thing is painful to set up & use as a daily workhorse imo.
What os do you use petermolnar?
[chrisbergr] oh it's not block party, it just uses your Twitter block list directly, via API
kogepan_ joined the channel
Ah cool, thank you for the clarification, [snarfed]
strugee joined the channel
! tell aaronpk Did you ever write that code you were contemplating to refresh a Compass database due importing flight paths out of date order?
tetov-irc joined the channel