GWGThe merged updates to the IndieAuth spec, that haven't been staged to, what is the URL for that? Wanted to have it up when I write a metadata PR to the wordpress plugin
[chrisbergr]Re Share photos by creation time: I'm sure this is not an option for everyone. But how about auto upload of all pictures to a cloud, e.g. G Drive? Then Using a tiny web app using the Drive API to review all images and selecting the ones you like via checkbox. Then press a button and use Micropub to create each of the images as a single post, dated at the upload time.
[Sean]Hi all - I have brief question about PGP login to .. not sure where to raise it ? Login by PGP signing - works on but not on indieauth. It is the newer style edDSA key. Maybe not yet supported on Indieauth ?
[Sean]I believe the keys are of this type : ECC Curve25519 (Fastest, most modern) , rather than the older more common RSA 4096-bit (Slower, but increased compatibility with legacy software)
[Sean]Thanks so much Aaron ! Yeah - most of the keys generated these days are ECC Curve25519 by default. obviously supports that type of key
[jacky]thinking about TicketAuth again; I've written down some use-cases (for myself) that boiled down to "issuing a ticket when someone follows me" and "on request to content that's not marked as publicly available). The former I've considered allowing the ticket to be redeemable once but live as long as the relationship exists whereas the other would be shorter
capjamesg[d]I am on edge about whether to have a wiki. I think it will be an interesting experiment but I will need to see if I think in a wiki way for myself.
capjamesg[d]Is there a good resource describing the differences between wikis and digital gardens? I know they are used in different ways but the IndieWeb wiki has a single page for them.
capjamesg[d]The value proposition is a place for me to keep notes to share that has the context of being a place in development, as opposed to my blog which is for detailed content.