#dev 2021-11-26

2021-11-26 UTC
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
The merged updates to the IndieAuth spec, that haven't been staged to IndieAuth.spec.indieweb.org, what is the URL for that? Wanted to have it up when I write a metadata PR to the wordpress plugin
you can download the repo and open the "source" folder in a browser for offline viewing
aaronpk: I recall you opening a URL for it
Was it a local URL or a remote one?
During the IndieAuth session as DUS
i usually open it from my computer
Just had to run the php to generate the html
elusive-airway7[ joined the channel
[tantek]1: I mentioned the enhancements I'd like. Micropub could support it, I just need some Micropub apps.
Just finished writing the metadata PR for the WordPress Indieauth plugin
Re Share photos by creation time: I'm sure this is not an option for everyone. But how about auto upload of all pictures to a cloud, e.g. G Drive? Then Using a tiny web app using the Drive API to review all images and selecting the ones you like via checkbox. Then press a button and use Micropub to create each of the images as a single post, dated at the upload time.
really just need a share intent for android and it'd do most of what GWG was outlining in his post without really trying
kogepan, jamietanna1, [snarfed], [KevinMarks]1, tetov-irc, wagle_, rhiaro_, P1000[d], Saphire, schmudde, ranuzz, omz13 and mambang joined the channel
Haven't released a stable version yet, but the PR for IndieAuth Metadata just got merged into the WordPress implementation.
justache, squarepants, barryf[d], [jacky] and [Sean] joined the channel
Right now it looks for "does it want html" but apparently no header fulfills that condition too
so I'm going to look for other more specific signals that the request is from a browser, like the user agent
Hi all - I have brief question about PGP  login to https://indieauth.com/ ..  not sure where to raise it ?   Login by  PGP signing -  works on https://webmention.io/  but not on indieauth.  It is the newer style edDSA key. Maybe not yet supported on Indieauth ?
I believe the keys are of this type : ECC Curve25519 (Fastest, most modern) , rather than the older more common RSA 4096-bit (Slower, but increased compatibility with legacy software)
IndieAuth.com is using older code, that's probably it. I'm also not planning on updating it
aaronpk: Any thoughts on how to wean people off it?
Thanks so much Aaron ! Yeah - most of the keys generated these days are ECC Curve25519 by default. https://webmention.io/ obviously supports that type of key
We need something as easy to set up for people who are integrating it with their own site
the PGP setup is very easy
That's good to hear
thinking about TicketAuth again; I've written down some use-cases (for myself) that boiled down to "issuing a ticket when someone follows me" and "on request to content that's not marked as publicly available). The former I've considered allowing the ticket to be redeemable once but live as long as the relationship exists whereas the other would be shorter
still thinking on how to send this token to the other party without having to have too much user interaction (for the `u-follow-of` case)
↩️ Is there a community or directory for people using Webmentions?
sayanarijit[d] and akevinhuang joined the channel
↩️ I’ve been wondering about that! I implemented custom webmention support on my site but I haven’t really gotten much usage out of it since I don’t know which sites have support https://dwayne.xyz/post/webmentions-from-scratch
kogepan and schmudde joined the channel
I am on edge about whether to have a wiki. I think it will be an interesting experiment but I will need to see if I think in a wiki way for myself.
In the vein of make what you need.
jjuran and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
capjamesg[d] does the answer to that question change if you ask yourself whether to have a digital garden?
Hmm, I'm skeptical of any "auto upload of all" suggestions, for bandwidth & privacy reasons.
Is there a good resource describing the differences between wikis and digital gardens? I know they are used in different ways but the IndieWeb wiki has a single page for them.
capjamesg[d], we can't even agree on how to distinguish a "commonplace book" from a "digital garden" which should be an easier task
The value proposition is a place for me to keep notes to share that has the context of being a place in development, as opposed to my blog which is for detailed content.
Exploration is most likely the best path.
I think "wiki" is a term that focuses on a particular tool, whereas "digital garden" is a more user-intention high level phrase
I think well in markdown 😂
particular *class of tools
Indeed. I like the idea of interlinked ideas rather than blog posts which seems to be common to both.
The terminology around maturity (seeds, etc.) associated with gardens is interesting.
Setting more context around what to expect.
I agree, I think the terminology and metaphors around gardens is much more refreshing than "books"
I believe I said as much about living plants vs dead trees
Do you still use your wiki tantek?
How did you decide what to include?
capjamesg[d], begrudgingly yes, because it’s on a silo and I feel with each edit I'm making myself more future work to re-home it
I'm not really adding anything new, re: what to include, for the same reason
I'm kinda stuck until I can figure out a path to at least incrementally using my own site for wiki-like functionality
I can easily integrate what I build with my discord bot to make posting easier.
But ease of use is not the problem.
Deciding: does this deserve to be a page; will it forever be a stub? is on my mind.
This is all something I could document on a wiki funnily enough 😂
there's also a question of what to put on a private wiki page, perhaps such meta topics, and what to put on public wiki pages
kogepan and ranuzz joined the channel
goal: try to get a roughly working Micropub server (https://www.w3.org/TR/micropub/) running Outcome: I spent most of the day fucking with VMs, networking, and tooling, because nothing actually fucking works any more
tetov-irc joined the channel