#dev 2021-12-13

2021-12-13 UTC
akevinhuang joined the channel
No worries! Good luck with setting up your personal site & domain!
Seirdy, KartikPrabhu, edburns[d], shaunix[d], xvx, illliak, KartikPrabhu1, Charlotteracracs, jjuran, corenominal[d], darkkirb and MarkJR84[d] joined the channel
Hi, I have a question regarding indieauth. Which party is supposed to fetch the client information from client_id? because fetching it from the client is unlikely to work unless the client enables CORS requests
kogepan joined the channel
Webmention เป็น W3C Recommendation จาก Social Web Working Group สำหรับให้เว็บไซต์ต่างๆ สามารถรู้กันได้ว่ามีใครลิงก์มาหาบ้าง (ทำนอง pingback/trackback) https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/ ไอเดียคือพยายามจะทำให้เว็บมีความเป็นเครือข่ายสังคมมากขึ้น Wordpress plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/webmention/
kogepan joined the channel
Lol snarfed, turns out it wasn't fixed, it's that it wasn't sending them ata ll 🙃so sorry, still a bit longer for errors!
darkkirb: it'd be the IndieAuth authorization server that would do this, likely server-side so it can perform validation on the metadata (i.e. to prevent XSS) before it's embedded in the HTML
thanks for the clarification
kogepan joined the channel
Does anyone run any web services locally, including IndieWeb ones?
I'm thinking of moving my Microsub and Micropub endpoints to a Pi.
tetov-irc and mlncn joined the channel
Yeah, i have a dedicated server for (currently) e-mail, nextcloud, matrix and storing large quantities of data. Would be nice to have better internet so that i can just have my server and not a cloud server acting as a reverse-proxy and hosting my homepage for speed reasons
kogepan and kimberlyhirsh[d] joined the channel
mlncn, Ramon[d] and kogepan joined the channel
my cloud server is from hetzner, yeah
[tw2113_Slack_] and akevinhuang joined the channel
Each of them has microformats with inlined h-card author, plus extra schema.org rdfa stuff, although parts if this is reference, because rdfa allows that. Still, this is rather shocking.
moving this over from -chat: apparently my 'photo' index page is over 1MB of HTML. All images are (in-browser, not JS) lazy-loaded and referenced, not base64 inlines, but there are 375 h-entries in that page, which means that each h-entry should be around 2.6KB each. So I copied one of them, and checked: 2682 chars.
paginating that page is not trivial, there are two things I could split it on: number of posts per page or year - I used to do one or the other a long time ago - but even then, some years are slim, others are much larger, so by numbers would probably be more considerate.
thoughts on size limits in 2021, anyone?
having a single author info for the page instead of each entry would also make it a lot slimmer
you could move the microformats authorship to the feed
or have just the url marked up on each entry
and would most libraries be happy with that?
are there examples for working markups like that?
what is authorship?
authorship is how to indicate who the author is for a post, and an algorithm that determines the author of a post https://indieweb.org/authorship
what is authorship-spec?
The Authorship specification is an algorithm for discovering and determining the author of a post https://indieweb.org/authorship-spec
(also, nice example: network transfer for the HTML is 80kb, very gzippable
trying to test it; the linked authorship testing tool on glitch says code "CERT_HAS_EXPIRED"
which is probably my cert, which should be fine
oh no is glitch still using the old letsencrypt root?
maybe it needs something done on the app level to fix it?
(assuming your cert is a letsencrypt cert)
long passed the days when I actually paid for an SSL cert
aaronpk: I fed https://monocle.p3k.io/preview my photo page and it's been thinking for a while
I hope I didn't break anything
lol oh dear
180 hours until sknebel look at the authorship testing tools HTTS handling
I added a countdown scheduled for 2021-12-21 7:34am CET (#6906)
re glitch it ate the http:// URL of mine, then returned a table with the author search logic with a "null" at the end
ping Zegnat I may have just created an edge case; this is supposed to be your speciality :P :D
oh, well. Adding a u-author instead of the inlined version shaved off nearly 200KB
still at 800kB, but better
right, the tool doesnt do feeds
thats the problem
I think
will try to look into that over the christmas break
it's not too important though
took a while but xray decided it was happy with your feed
petermolnar: yeah, but these kind of small things are piling up and it might be a nice nudge to get at least something done on indieweb stuff
(lots more in the overall microformats ecosystem, but hard to find motivation for me)
would you rather work on rdfa?
grr i just got an email that .io domain name prices are going up next year and i still haven't finished moving off those
petermolnar: lol no.
see, there is always some motivation; you don't have to work on RDFa, you can work on microformats! ;)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
petermolnar, your 1MB HTML example is a great example of why we work hard to keep microformats *micro*
akevinhuang2 joined the channel
I assume it gzips a lot smaller
also you have `u-photo u-featured` in the wrong place, it's not getting the img URL
```<figure property="image" typeof="ImageObject">
<a rel="license" property="license" href="https://spdx.org/licenses/CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0.html"></a>
<span property="acquireLicensePage" content="https://petermolnar.net"></span>
<span property="name" content="lanzarote-view"></span>
<img src="lanzarote-view/lanzarote-view.jpg" property="contentUrl" alt="A view of Lanzarote" loading="lazy" width="720" height="476">
<a href="lanzarote-view/index.html" title="A view of Lanzarote" class="u-photo u-featured" property="url">
[Peter Molnar] Peter 's Homepage
should be:
```<figure property="image" typeof="ImageObject">
<a rel="license" property="license" href="https://spdx.org/licenses/CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0.html"></a>
<span property="acquireLicensePage" content="https://petermolnar.net"></span>
<span property="name" content="lanzarote-view"></span>
<a href="lanzarote-view/index.html" title="A view of Lanzarote" property="url">
<img src="lanzarote-view/lanzarote-view.jpg" class="u-photo u-featured" property="contentUrl" alt="A view of Lanzarote" loading="lazy" width="720" height="476">
[Peter Molnar] Peter 's Homepage
there's no reason to include u-featured on the only photo in a post like that
in a *photo post
based on that markup, I bet the entire h-entry could be made A LOT smaller, I'm guessing at least 50%
I wonder if "h-entry" optimizing would be a useful feature for IndieWebify.me
With that many entries having separate h-feed and rdfa versions may make sense. Though I'm sure they gzip well, given the repetition.
I'd ask the question about who/what is actually consuming the extra markup
that markup is because I want google to know the image license.
on the other hand, I'm about to strip most of the RDFa out again, for the 4th? time, because I'm tired of google only supporting a tiny, undocumented subset of it
however, the image license stays
that's useful to know. licensing of images etc. has long been a challenge
what is image license
It looks like we don't have a page for "image license" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "image license is ____", a sentence describing the term)
mlncn joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
I was just looking at image license markup this week 😞
jeremy joined the channel
actually, it seems like I might be able to strip the html part for licence, if I update certain arcane XML tags inside the image
this is definitely worth documenting as it's quite non-obvious (also which consuming services / code does what with them)
what is license
license is terms under which you are allowed to (re)use a piece of work; in the context of the IndieWeb, for source code such as in open source projects, or content, like the IndieWeb wiki itself which has a specific Copyright https://indieweb.org/license
I'm fairly sure I documented this already somewhere
do you remember if you participated in any IWC sessions on the topic?
not documented; just talked about the same thing once before: https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2020-11-03#t1604432311159900
tetov-irc and mlncn_ joined the channel