#dev 2021-12-20
2021-12-20 UTC
Seirdy and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
binyamin[m] The wiki states that u-quotation-of posts must link to the source. Not all sources have a canonical URL, or even a URL in the first place. https://indieweb.org/quotation#How_to_markup

binyamin[m] gotcha. So how would I indicate the post type?

binyamin[m] exactly. When displayed in a social reader, I want to differentiate between a note and this.

binyamin[m] No, it would show the content, and format it according to the post-type.

binyamin[m] Eg. with an icon, or with a generated title, or with the ability to filter out "notes" and still see this post.

binyamin[m] Sorry, I should've said "quote post" instead of "u-quotation-of"

binyamin[m] Are you trying to say that quote posts are just a type of response post?

binyamin[m] Gotcha, thanks.

[dmitshur] joined the channel
[dmitshur] `Reviewed-By: Alice <https://alice.example/>`

[dmitshur] Git commits sometimes include trailers like "Signed-Off-By:" or "Reviewed-By:" that identify people. They typically use a RFC 5322 address, e.g. `Reviewed-By: Alice <me@alice.example>`.

[dmitshur] I'd prefer to identify people by their URL (as motivated at https://indieweb.org/Why_web_sign-in#Why_not_email), which I already have, but I'm thinking about how to write them down in a git footer. A straightforward way is to put their URL in place of the email:

[dmitshur] I wonder if I should do that or something else. Has anyone seen any precedent for something like this?

[chrisbergr], MarkJR84[d], kogepan and jamietanna joined the channel
jamietanna [dmitshur] that's interesting. Not seen it before - would make sense to also look at amending the way that Git itself identifies the committer / author?

tetov-irc, kogepan and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[dmitshur] That is also interesting. I was going to leave git author/committer alone for now, but it's definitely related. I was curious to try and it didn't complain, so it seems like it'd work:

[dmitshur] "."; but all other benefits of URL over email still apply.)

[dmitshur] Although including a full URL with scheme, mandatory non-empty path makes it more verbose than email, defeating the "moretyping" argument in https://indieweb.org/Why_web_sign-in#Why_not_personal_domain_email. So maybe URLs without scheme ("https://" is a reasonable implied default) and with optional path (empty means "/") is worth considering. (As an aside, at least in my case it's the same length, as the "@" gets replaced with

[schmarty] joined the channel
capjamesg[d] offline << https://web.dev/offline-fallback-page/

Loqi ok, I added "https://web.dev/offline-fallback-page/" to the "See Also" section of /offline https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=78477&oldid=68188

petermolnar what is offline first?

Loqi offline first is a method of developing a website that once a user has visited it once on their device, it will always provide at least some content (posts) and or features (like creating posts) when they revisit even when offline without internet access, using technologies like Service Workers and Local Storage https://indieweb.org/offline_first

superkuh Disgusting.
petermolnar ?

superkuh Service Workers and Local Storage.
petermolnar I tend to agree.

chenghiz_, [tantek], [snarfed], Ramon[d], akevinhuang, [Joe_Crawford], [aciccarello], Seb[d], [chrisaldrich], kogepan and tetov-irc joined the channel