#dev 2021-12-22

2021-12-22 UTC
darkkirb, gRegor, Tonny, [aciccarello], KartikPrabhu, KartikPrabhu1 and alex11 joined the channel
↩️ Also: @indiewebcamp which is just plain old semantic HTML progressively enhanced to facilitate social interactions (even real-time such, as I support in https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ which is long overdue to get some love from me)
tetov-irc, Brin[d], gRegor, kogepan, benji, kloenk, RISHI_RAJ[d], kimberlyhirsh[d] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
there's a really strong assumption that things tend to be always online and active in the blockchain space
and also that it's going to stay long term and be the ultimate solution
if you have to define a standard for data portability, it should be as generic as possible
_and_ friendly to archival
tbh I dance between SQLite and HTML for this reason
does SQLite have multiple interoperable implementations and standards community that openly evolves its storage format?
I see the whole bchain fet as a symptom of the larger problem/trend of complexity fet that really took off in the form of JS frameworks and toolchains.
complexity fet only persists because of ego/bro-culture (same folks that came up with and propagate the metaphor of doing the "heavy lifting" in anything technical) and the fact that it spreads more easily online than people actually doing simple, useful, and usually boring enabling work
tl;dr: somehow bro-culture has outpropagated YAGNI
looks like the main sqlite.c implementation (and, likely, the spec/standard) are maintained by one team
but it's ported or linked to so many places it is ubiquitous.
so software monoculture. ok then, ignorable compared to HTML for anything longterm.
it serves many different purposes to HTML
(for example, the HTML spec doesn't define behaviors for allowing relational database actions over HTML documents or data derived from them)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
hahaha the governance of the project is _a little weird to me_, i will admit. https://www.sqlite.org/copyright.html
my preference is to store most things in flat files. when you need to do stuff that touches a lot of those files, build an index. sqlite is great for that part.
forgive me if this is a newbie question, but is there any effort to standardize these formats so they can be imported by different platforms?
not just the format they're written in, but which information they contain
edgeduchess[d]: which formats in particular?
> One of many reasons I find it hard to close my accounts in some old social media networks is: being scared to lose your chats, images, data etc. So, we need a de-centralised approach. Anyone can just “pack” their account(history included) and move somewhere else, through a “commune” framework
this was the original question people answered to with "interoperability between blockchains"
I'm curious what the best approximation of an answer to this is right now
what is data portability?
data portability is the ability for the user of a device, service, or site to move their data (anything they author or incidentally create like location tracking) to another device, service, or site (like their indie web site) of their choosing, preferably in an open standard format https://indieweb.org/data_portability
a mix of stuff there in terms of goals and approach.
what is the Data Transfer Project?
Data Transfer Project is a collaboration of organizations committed to building a common framework with open-source code that can connect any two online service providers, enabling a seamless, direct, user initiated portability of data between the two platforms https://indieweb.org/Data_Transfer_Project
^^ that may fit more in line with what you asked - BigCos supposedly working together to standardize data transfer formats.
interesting, I will have to look into it more
does anyone have insights/opinions on how they're faring with it?
I might dump it into the bluesky chat just to see what their thoughts are, but i'd like to have a more complete opinion of it beforehand
(which is hard to get on my own right now since I can't dig in quite immediately)
i found it tough to see through the marketing-bits on their main website. this seems to show some activity, though! https://github.com/google/data-transfer-project
[google] data-transfer-project: The Data Transfer Project makes it easy for people to transfer their data between online service providers. We are establishing a common framework, including data models and protocols, to enable direct transfer of data both into and out of participating online service providers.
is there any effort here (or somewhere else) to use this standard to transfer into your own blog/service?
what is ditchbook?
ditchbook is a toolkit for moving your Facebook data to your own website using Micropub https://indieweb.org/ditchbook
ooh that's great, thanks
there's one, fairly focused example. the facebook data dump format has likely changed so it probably isn't exactly turn-key.
i've also seen folks using the WordPress import/export format to work from. i know micro.blog has support for that and... probably more?
ah, yeah, there's also a tool to import instagram at least: https://help.micro.blog/t/import-from-instagram/77
tantek (who I don't think I can tag) was talking earlier about the blockchain being a byproduct of the "trend of complexity" and bro-culture, which I don't disagree with, but to me it also feels like part of the issue is how fragmented the existing ecosystem and efforts seem
I don't know how fair this description is, but I can imagine it does feel like this to most web3 people (which includes people that don't do their own research in the first place)
blockchain-based efforts also feel pretty fragmented to me 😂
it's basically this again
oh absolutely, but they're basically building on the idea that *this time* they'll get it right, just wait and see
cause they have ~the money incentives~
snarfed: Bridgy instagram seems to have found my most recent u-syndication but hasn't sent webmentions back yet. Using Bridgy Chrome 0.3.5 with my IG profile tab opened.
IMO what they should be doing if they wanted to achieve their goal should be a consensus/vision-building effort also based on what's already there, but that is hard work that doesn't get people as excited as thinking they can redo the whole thing from scratch
getting a vision like this to be effective is much more politics than it is technology
The last bridgy crawl (3 hours ago) looks like it didn't find the new post maybe: `'last_public_post': datetime.datetime(2021, 11, 1, 7, 6, 33)`
edgeduchess[d]++ yes indeed these are people problems and not software problems.
edgeduchess[d] has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (10 in all channels)
(i tried to keep in the snark but failed: i also think a lot of these projects don't care about reaching their _stated_ goals so much as they hope to make a buck or grab some power)
the irony of a community advocating for a distributed consensus technology failing to actually get consensus
maybe it was never a technology issue after all but rather a sociopolitical issue?
yep, any stated positive goals incentives are quickly dwarfed by pyramid scheme grift incentives
as someone who has directly participated in Data Transfer Project meetings (on behalf of Mozilla), I don't hold out much hope for that effort, or frankly any portability effort that is dominated by big companies who are each somewhat distrusting of each other, even when they have the best of intentions
Twitter was (still is?) one of the big participants in the Data Transfer Project though it's not clear the folks working on that have any connection to BlueSky
I'm also skeptical about anything led by big companies having seen how they operate from the inside and what their incentives are
the old Data Liberation Front at Google was pretty good faith about this, but I'm not sure how that has held up since Fitz left
but then what's the alternative?
[KevinMarks] DLF still exists and those were the Google folks showing up to the DTP meetings
OK, that's good.
edgeduchess[d], re: "being scared to lose your chats, images, data etc." <-- agreed with that problem statement
what is export
export (specifically, How to export your data) in the context of the indieweb refers to the ability to download some or all of your data from a site, typically from a silo, though also for CMS or site migration https://indieweb.org/export
what is backfill
backfill is the action of importing all your past posts, typically from a social media silo, into your own site https://indieweb.org/backfill
^^ some hopeful & useful things at those pages
edgeduchess[d] if you don't see the silos you want/need to export things from in this list https://indieweb.org/export#Any_time — feel free to add a new toplevel "Brainstorming" section with requests for additional silo export tips / "how to" etc.
odds are *someone* in this community has exported from nearly every silo and has the information somewhere
I'm trying to think about how a tool to less-technical help people export/import into another service would work, and whether it would be a worthwhile effort
tetov-irc joined the channel
or what preconditions should be there to make it a worthwhile effort
that's a different level of problem that your own "being scared to lose your chats, images, data etc"
cause you have a bit of a chicken and egg problem, right? it's hard for new platforms to grow because people don't want to move, and people don't want to move because they're locked in
if each new platform has to reimplement this from scratch then it's a really high upfront cost
let's solve that ^ first, then we can discuss iterating on it to make it easier for more people over time
disagree with that "chicken and egg problem"
Facebook grew despite not having a MySpace importer
Twitter grew despite not having a Blogger (or any other) importer
very fair point
I mean, I guess i'm the first person that thinks this isn't a pre-requisite
but I guess it does make me sad that it's not easier
people imagine that to be a problem, but the history of the growth of platforms and one replacing another completely refutes that chicken egg theory/fear
this is one of the big differences of, are you trying to solve for yourself, or are you trying to solve "for people"?
no, I agree with that
if the latter, most people do not care in practice about abandoning their posts, follows, followings, etc., if you pay attention to their actions (they may whine about losing that stuff but they'll adopt new platforms anyway)
though I did talk with some of the people that were there for the LiveJournal=>DreamWidth migration, and they did mention data portability as something that helped
I think do not care and begrudgingly do it is not exactly the same thing
if the former, solving for yourself, then welcome, you're among friends who also wanting to solve that :)
the amount of resources people need to bootstrap a social company without data portability favors those that make it with VC money
the point is where is it worth spending your energy. if people are going to begrudgingly do it anyway then how much is it really worth investing your time?
the fact that with enough amount of throwing away cash you can get people to do it doesn't mean it wouldn't be easier for smaller platforms to grow if that were easy
but I agree with you in general, and I don't think this is an absolute pre-requisite
still, I think a lot more people would have migrated from Tumblr to other blogging services if they could have had a similar experience without losing their data, instead of them moving to Twitter en-masse when the porn ban happened
Even Mastodon doesn't offer backfilling from your Twitter account. people just delete their Twitter or they end up maintaining both (ghost their Twitter)
the positive side makes sense, i.e. option to migrate = more adoption, and the prime example there is WordPress which offers the most importers from other platforms and services and open source blogging tools of anything
and frankly, has helped WordPrss grow massively
to its credit WordPress also offers lots of export options
the Google+ export was pretty well done as HTML and formats like vcf for events
so perhaps the key is for new services to import from WordPress, and then bootstrap importing from other sites/servivces/software by walking folks through using WordPress as an intermediate import tool
[KevinMarks] I'd disagree with "pretty well done" based on the fact that there are ZERO services or OSS that actually import G+'s export
with wordpress being open source I wonder if one could push for packaging that flow in a tool that can be reused
I mean you could likely fork that portion of WordPress into a standalone tool / service
I just looked it up now and I'm browsing it in firefox as html
(not saying this is something that should be done as an effort right now, btw, just chatting about what could be possible)
modularization has 1 karma over the last year
[KevinMarks] browseability should be a minimum baseline of "acceptable" export, certainly not worthy of "pretty good"
edgeduchess[d] agreed! it'd be an interesting aspirational project to pitch. you might even get some help on it in #indieweb-wordpress
I'll keep it in mind for when I think my own projects might benefit from that (and as I make more connections with others leading projects that might benefit)
I do think modularization and shared efforts is the way forward for a sustainable, "bootstrapped platforms" ecosystem in the social space
you're also welcome to add it to something like /WordPress#Brainstorming as a oneliner list item in the hopes that someone might eventually discover it and pick it up
how do I do that?
you mean how do you edit the wiki?
oh i guess i can do it from the wiki itself yeah
i see you all doing commands stuff to add things and was wondering whether there was a way to do it from chat
but also i do not see a brainstorming section there
indeed, you can add it == Brainstorming == 🙂
what is brainstorming
It looks like we don't have a page for "brainstorming" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "brainstorming is ____", a sentence describing the term)
welp that's on me 🙂
to-do << Create a [[brainstorming]] page describing what it is, and how to create a Brainstorming section as part of [[wikifying]]
ok, I added "Create a [[brainstorming]] page describing what it is, and how to create a Brainstorming section as part of [[wikifying]]" to the "See Also" section of /to-do https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=78544&oldid=78440
I found where I accidentally invited 120 people to a microformats dinner in G+ and they were so polite about it https://where.kevin-marks.com/20121218%20-%20Microformats%20Dinner%20_%20Drinks/20121218%20-%20Microformats%20Dinner%20_%20Drinks.html
er not 120, 655
a testament to both your kindness / social reputation, and the fact that the internet was a kinder place in general in 2012, and perhaps even some credit to G+ for at least providing a UX that encouraged positive interactions
the prospect of 100s of people showing up to Pancho Villa is hilarious