#dev 2022-01-27

2022-01-27 UTC
Seirdy, darkkirb, jacky, kimberlyhirsh[d], sarahd[d], marksuth[d], grantcodes[d], balupton[d], Silicon[d], mossymaker[d], edburns[d], hoenir, Myst[d], wackycity[d], sayanarijit[d], shaunix[d], MarkJR84[d], aspenmayer[d], tracydurnell[d], Ramon[d], capjamesg[d], Jeremiah[d], P1000[d], corenominal[d], rattroupe[d], angelo, mlncn_, mlncn, Eddy04[d], hans63us[d], justGhost3, BinarySavior_ and benji joined the channel
nekr0z, gRegor and petermolnar joined the channel
I'll have to give that a read!
Abhas[m] joined the channel
I have deliberately not added infinite scroll to my feed reader. I have to click / tap "view older posts" which I rarely do.
kloenk, Christian_Olivie, tetov-irc, jacky, KartikPrabhu, mlncn_ and mlncn joined the channel; fel left the channel
Still obsessed with my webmention facepiles—long mitigated by lazy loading and embarrassingly shoveling them into a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1486711584902631435
↩️ Good questions! I did file an issue upstream https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.io/issues/126 and “The ×286 image count likely includes some duplicates due to HTTP 301 redirects.”
mlncn_ and mlncn joined the channel
133 days until webmention.io's 10 year anniversary
I added a countdown scheduled for 2022-06-09 3:20pm UTC (#6918)
126 days until one week until webmention.io's 10 year anniversary
I added a countdown scheduled for 2022-06-02 3:20pm UTC (#6919)
that's a little terrifying
6.2gb and 557k avatars stored by webmention.io right now
webmention.io++ aaronpk++
aaronpk has 23 karma in this channel over the last year (119 in all channels)
webmention.io has 1 karma over the last year
webmention.io has 2 karma over the last year
i've been stuck implementing new stuff on it because of how old some of the codebase is, specifically the DB wrapper
i should really make a list of all the things i want to do with it, then figure out whether to incrementally swap out bits or basically start over
ugh, no easy answers there, that way lie dragons
:hugdev:, or something
Yeah it's tough
but it's really not motivating to work on it right now in this state
Not to mention also a challenge to set up a dev environment that old 😅
I just had an interesting thought.. what if I turn Aperture into a webmention server
It's already got most of the things I want to add to webmention.io
bundling and unbundling... 😎
mlncn__ and mlncn joined the channel
like one of the big features i want to add to webmention.io is giving you an actual view of what webmentions have come in
both just so you can see them, but also so that you can better delete/block things
and then of course one of the next places to go from there is being able to reply to webmentions you've received
and then that starts sounding a lot like a reader
so now i'm thinking actually webmention isn't a feature by itself, it's just plumbing under a reader
tricky though. wm.io is very clearly plumbing as a service right now. readers are user facing applications. very different use cases and audiences
not that you're wrong, just...sounds complicated to get right
technically aperture is also plumbing right now since it requires a reader app to be useful
sure! so then personal architecture decision, where on the monolith/microservice spectrum do you want to be
aaronpk I was in a similar situation.
I decided to keep things separate to make it easier for me to manage everything.
Also I built everything separately and at the time of building my webmention sender/receiver I didn't really know social readers existed as a concept.
I can see a reader acting both as a reader and a webmention service.
And it would give people one less thing to set up.
But I don't know how that applies to webmention.io since it is such an established service and known for doing one thing really well.
love this avatar issue and solution because it's yet another example is image proxies as a building block
*example of
What is an image proxy?
An image proxy is a service that fetches and re-serves images from a new URL, used by IndieWeb sites to provide better performance, fidelity, and/or reliability of images embedded in posts https://indieweb.org/image_proxy
I still have too much distrust of random avatars to display them. the pixelation approach (I forget who proposed that) has some appeal, like maybe even down to 3x3 grid
image proxy << example use for webmention avatars https://www.zachleat.com/web/back-to-the-facepile/
aaronpk's blue/green dots thing on his home page is a good example of reducing pixels to minimize/avoid abuse
what is pixelation
It looks like we don't have a page for "pixelation" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "pixelation is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Asaf_Agranat[d] and avr joined the channel
Skimming through this Block Protocol thing… Found via https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2022/01/27/making-the-web-better-with-blocks/. Seems to be a little HTML + JS + Schema, coming from Joel’s other new company Hash.
Curious if anyone else has looked at for IndieWeb (or WordPress block editor) implications.
neceve joined the channel
Web 1.01 - Indieauth, all the goodness of the three schemes and then some. By the way, a Wallet in essence {Username, assword} and then a Password manager. Agree?
jacky joined the channel
I was looking for a way to define this in an editor
mainly to see if I can use the same editor in a edtior like Twitter and another like Tumblr
glad someone's looking into it
I was definitely looking at it from the code side (how to convert a few paragraphs with /tags, /contacts and some sort of /reply-context and make that into something presentable)
[manton]: I have not
looks like there's some code to look at too https://github.com/hashintel/hash
and a mention of 'hEngine'
[hashintel] hash: Next-gen data management, modeling, and simulation
lol and hCore and hCloud
schema naming collision when?
That is cool jacky.
I think the thing that's tripping me up is the need for it to be associated to an account
which makes it more like a constant polling game
I do think that, in the same vein of something like /indieconfig, some sort of Web-based editor that's a bit WYIWYG-esque, can help people compose things for their site
I think the challenge I’m running into is I don’t really understand what Hash actually is. 🙂 And so it’s not clear how tightly Block Protocol is part of its Hash roots or whether it’s actually something that would be useful as a component embedding thing for any platform.
Probably should ignore this for a while. The name collision with hCore, etc. is funny, though, [jacky]. Hope they don’t make an hFeed.
jacky joined the channel
lol [manton]
does this mean we shouldn't make an h-core
on a positive note: does anyone have a /linktree page on their site (top level like that) that re-engineers the default styling of linktree using only HTML+CSS, no JS? (or consider it a "simple" IndieWeb hack project)
of course the goal would be to open source it as a standalone static one-pager that others could clone and edit the link/text contents
gRegor joined the channel
I’m asking because I’m considering doing it for my own site, and then linking from single-profile-URL silos with it that don't otherwise support rel=me
I modified one from here which I'm pretty sure is no JS https://github.com/MichaelBarney/LinkFree
I have a simple /links page. I thought there was a link to a glitch project on the wiki too.
[Joe_Crawford] and nanoflite joined the channel
"LinkFree" is brilliant renaming
especially because in a URL /linkfree looks close enough to /linktree 😂
jacky, and other folks familiar with the Internet Archive dweb meetups, you might be interested in this today (which I think starts in ~10min!) https://metro.org/events/decentralized-web-introduction
aaronpk, where is your linkfree 😂
linkinbio << https://github.com/MichaelBarney/LinkFree — open source alternative to [[LinkTree]]
ok, I added "https://github.com/MichaelBarney/LinkFree — open source alternative to [[LinkTree]]" to the "See Also" section of /link_in_bio https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=79374&oldid=79345
omg there are so many themes now
jacky joined the channel
oh dang I was in another dweb meeting actually
just joined it
looks like it's meant to be very into
omg they're quoting Silicon Valley the show hahaha
oh no that sounds like hell (quoting SV)
yeah lol
the example he had (people having more computing power in their pockets now so to build something that can leverage that)
was the good part
yes, that I fully agree with. computing power + storage
What is IPFS?
IPFS is short for InterPlanetary File System, potentially a static site storage method using content based addressing https://indieweb.org/IPFS
jacky joined the channel
I wish Beaker Browser was still in active development.z
That is a vision of the web I love re: read/write/create literally in your browser.
jacky how was the meetup overall?
it's still going :)
beaker's like passively maintained
you can get support in the Hypercore Discord
Ah really?
is a bit active in that discord
BTW, that workshop was one of a series, in case anyone is interested in the follow-ups: https://blog.archive.org/2022/01/11/imagining-a-better-online-world-exploring-the-decentralized-web/
jacky has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (62 in all channels)
I bought linkylinky.link but I haven't used it yet
Seirdy joined the channel
You should definitely use it as linkylinky.link/y