barnabyrel alternate seems like a weird choice for cases where you’re linking to a feed from a non-feed profile page, rather than the intended usage of linking to an alternative representation of the same content with a different content type
barnabyafaik the intended usage is that a page showing an HTML representation of a feed uses rel=alternate to link to an alternative representation of the same content, but serialised using RSS/ATOM
barnabywhereas the use case I was talking about, having a homepage which has no feed, and a link to a separate feed page, is not an alternate representation of the same content
barnabysometimes? often? but not always, because once feed readers implemented rel=alternate based discovery, people started using it outside how it was intended
Loqi[snarfed] Looked into this a bit. Not easy. There are many times more `rel="alternate"` links in the average page than `rel="feed"` links, and mf2 parsers don't give us their `types`, so we either have to dig it out of the raw HTML ourselves, or fetch (at leas...
@AlexWilsonV1↩️ Thanks for the words Rowan - and the gentle reminder to fix webmentions.
GitHub Actions & Karaoke really are the best medicine: A good reminder to always channel our inner Kelsier.
(that CLI is legitimately so dope - major OBT vibes!) (
jackyhm that would have to be <reply-context class='h-cite"><a href="" class="u-url">Url</a></reply-context> actually since href pulling it specific to <a><area><link>
[tantek]Via #indieweb-meta - do we have a page somewhere that discusses the whole periodic debate that occurs here about how many (if more than one) feeds or streams one “should” publish and why or why not? I liked the path of analysis in this blog post and we need to capture more like that to help find common ground and patterns