jackyactually yeah, if I signed in with my wordpress account at https://wordpress.com and visit another site hosted on there, I can technically do something like brid.gy for comments and likes
ebToday is CSS naked day https://css-naked-day.github.io/2022.html, I plan to write a wiki entry on it, and I hope to see other indiewebbers join in! It's great for accessibility
vika_nezrimayaIt looks like I am very much behind on the IndieAuth standard. Now we have an indieauth-metadata endpoint for discovery... and there's so much more easily-accessible info there!
vika_nezrimayaIt looks like IndieAuth is now closer to be usable by non-IndieAuth-aware oAuth2 implementations with RFC8414 support and other advanced features expected of modern oauth2 such as refresh tokens
vika_nezrimayaI always used custom code for IndieAuth, but maybe I should consider taking a standards-compliant oauth2 library and try to fit it inside whatever I'm expecting to support IndieAuth
aaronpkyep! I was even able to configure my Okta account to use my own IndieAuth server as an external IdP, where Okta is effectively an IndieAuth client
jackyI'm also tihnking about moving some of the link-rel parsing from that Rust indieweb crate into the mf2 one (or making it a standalone one, I'm very thrown on making multiple crates)