#dev 2022-04-19
2022-04-19 UTC
Seirdy and Kongpc joined the channel
jacky, gxt and jjuran joined the channel
# @elonmusk if you take over Twitter, any chance we'll see some of the newer w3c social integrations? @indiewebcamp would love to see webmention support. ( twitter.com/_/status/1516317437897101312)
[jamesg483] joined the channel
mro, nanoflite and tetov-irc joined the channel
# ↩️ so. nochmal die beiden WP-Plugins installiert.
Webseite mit gefundenem Ergebnis bei http://brid.gy: https://www.fachkraeftesicherer.de/arbeitszeiten-in-der-landwirtschaft/ ( twitter.com/_/status/1516360569976201221)
mro joined the channel
# ↩️ du kannst auf das "xx minutes ago" klicken, da kommt das log: https://brid.gy/log?start_time=1650363432&key=agdicmlkLWd5ckwLEghSZXNwb25zZSI-dGFnOnR3aXR0ZXIuY29tLDIwMTM6MTUxNjI4Nzc0MjM3NTg3MDQ2OF9mYXZvcml0ZWRfYnlfMTgyNzI2MzUM
dein endpoint wirft scheinbar einen HTTP 500 error ( twitter.com/_/status/1516361756590981126)
mro joined the channel
# Brauche mal eure Hilfe. Versuche gerade Webmentions im Blog zu integrieren. Leider ist ein Plugin dazwischen, dass das blockiert. Herauszufinden welches ist Frickelkram. Um das zu testen möchte ich bitten, diesen Post mal zu liken. Ich brauche 16 Likes
https://derwagrier.de/rezept-subway-cookies-diy/ ( twitter.com/_/status/1516381906186690568)
nertzy, hs0ucy, mro, nanoflite, [Will_Monroe], [Sam_Butler], chenghiz_ and jacky joined the channel
# ⭐️ New repo
Topics: Ruby, indieweb, webmention
https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.io ( twitter.com/_/status/1516461455356403715)
nertzy, jacky and mro joined the channel
jacky and mro joined the channel
# ↩️ bloodbath and I'm not in love with how they work right now.
Still, web 1.0 plus webmentions would be a better implementation of web 1.0 on its own and web 2.0, in my opinion.
https://indieweb.social/@m2m/108159995373449079 (2/2) ( twitter.com/_/status/1516481640419237891)
# RT @m2m@indieweb.social
atomicpoet that's why there are webmentions. Having said this I'd also add that cool technologies like webmentions should be way easier to implement than they are now. It's discouraging. I've implemented them in my website but it was kind of a (1/2) ( twitter.com/_/status/1516481639383277573)
[jamesg483], neceve, mro, angelo, nanoflite, russ_bain, tetov-irc, nertzy and gRegor joined the channel