#dev 2022-04-23

2022-04-23 UTC
[James_Van_Dyne] joined the channel
Russ_Bain, in my post storage, I store a link to any posse-notes copies with u-syndication, e.g. links to their POSSE copies on Twitter
angelo, mro, chewing_bever and tetov-irc joined the channel
Redesign! This is a citation block using hAtom classes for microformats in webmentions. https://microformats.org/wiki/h-cite https://indieweb.org/Webmention #webmention #indieweb
mro, jacky, alex11, jeremycherfas and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Russ_Bain: For using WithKnown, there's a plugin for syndicating (/POSSE) to Twitter: https://github.com/idno/twitter. You'll have to set up an API key and a Twitter App for doing it, but it's reasonably well documented. Once that is set up, you can click a checkbox/button and your notes are automatically sent to Twitter and the returned u-syndication link is stored in WithKnow for display on the post. (This last part is also
useful if you're using Brid.gy with Webmention for getting responses from Twitter back to your site.)
[idno] twitter: Twitter plugin for Known
jacky, [kaichanvong], mro, gxt, [aciccarello]1, Russ_Bain1, [kaichanvong]1, sebbu and gRegor joined the channel
I'm working on my Micropub endpoint. Wondering if there's already any indieweb PHP code that converts the form-urlencoded format into mf2 json?
Looks like p3k-micropub might
mro, mro_ and jacky joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Thank you. What I really want to know is how people save the data "permanently". Do they use a db? I didn't find anything on that in the various indieweb pages. And does Known have some kind of built in db?
what is storage?
storage in the context of the indieweb usually refers to how you are storing your data, specifically in what kind of storage format(s) https://indieweb.org/storage
Yes, Known is written in .php and has a SQL database in which the data is kept (though I think there is support for one or two other database types, though I've not used them). Various systems have different methods of storage as aaron and Loqi indicate.
"What is storage?" - I see flat-files are preferred here over databases. Is a flat-file just a regular file (text file or similar) that gets sequentially written to?
myself and many others use a single file per post
What is contained in each file?
It looks like we don't have a page for "contained in each file" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "contained in each file is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is file storage
File Storage is the practice of storing main (primary) site content in flat files in a filesystem https://indieweb.org/file-storage
Russ_Bain1 ^ bunch of examples with some details in there
That bot is pretty cool.
gives Loqi a treat
hearts the treat
With something like p3k is the basic procedure: enter data via web-portal, server saves to flat-files, server renders to screen?
There's a plurality of opinions/practice about storage. Some of use db-driven CMS like WordPress or ProcessWire. There's always tradeoffs of course.
what is slug suffix
It looks like we don't have a page for "slug suffix" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "slug suffix is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is url design?
URL design is the practice of deliberately designing URLs, in particular, permalinks, typically for a better UX for everyone who creates, reads, and shares content https://indieweb.org/URL_design
Is that what you were looking for?
what is a slug
A slug is a series of words in a permalink URL, usually at the end, that are from or representative of the name or text of a post, and thus part of an overall URL design https://indieweb.org/slug
slug suffix is /slug
tetov-irc joined the channel
aaronpk++ p3k-micropub was exactly what I was looking for, makes parsing the properties much easier
aaronpk has 37 karma in this channel over the last year (138 in all channels)