#dev 2022-05-07

2022-05-07 UTC
AramZS, [chrisaldrich], jamietanna, [snarfed], [Chris_Lott], jacky and angelo joined the channel
<capjamesg> jamietanna is push to login your Okta one tap implementation?
jamietanna1 joined the channel
capjamesg yep! I'm sure you've asked + seen https://www.jvt.me/posts/2020/11/11/okta-factors-api-passwordless/ before but that's how I've done it
[Jamie Tanna] Setting up Passwordless Authentication using the Okta Factors API
strugee, tetov-irc, AramZS, mro, sknebel_, cambridgeport90[, lanodan, Feoh, moose333, klez and aaronpk joined the channel
I spent a few minutes setting up identity/content markup to my site, following https://indiewebify.me/. Webmentions don't look too difficult, either, but it seems a little premature since I mostly keep to myself.
mro joined the channel
Apparently multiple file uploads are my next task, according to what's annoying me the most. :/
jacky, jacky_ and Guest6 joined the channel
I think I got the link from here back then, did anybody look into this blockprotocol thing more? (https://blockprotocol.org/)
I haven't but I've been trying to remember this site
it kinda sucks that in order for things like interoperability to catch on, you gotta 'sell' it
jacky and vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
Locks are evil. Locks are the most evil thing in the world. Going lockless for reads seems like a good decision. Just make sure creates are atomic and updates can't conflict with each other
tbbrown joined the channel
I think I finally beat that bug I was bashing for months. I bombarded my server with tons of requests and it's still up
If it doesn't hang in span of several days, I'm gonna consider my work complete
and all I had to do was to get rid of locks on files read... and then make writes compete for an atomic file creation where losers bail out and tell clients to retry
sknebel, we had a critical dialog about blockprotocol when it came out
Perhaps I'm naive and new to this stuff, but if you're gonna propose an "open protocol for the web", maybe do it based on open standards? Just spitballing.
sknebel, more:
The VERY FIRST block / schema / property is a classic western-centric error:
> So the schema for a *Person* has the properties *firstName*
It's only since the 1990s that we've had vCard's international-aware property *given-name* 🙄 (which was re-used by hCard, vCard4, h-card, schema-org/Person etc.)
tbbrown joined the channel
It should have been based on a spectrum of "just" existing plain HTML elements (with *maybe* additional attributes) to Web Components which both already have much better understood security characteristics/concerns/precautions etc.
Inventing a bunch of one-off JSON for this use-case is a classic example not understanding the existing technology stack (and how to use its existing features) and so introducing another (unnecessary) layer of abstraction on top.
I mean seriously the diagram in the image preview literally is *mostly pre-existing HTML elements* (or trivial pairings thereof): paragraph/<p>, heading<hn>, list/<ol>/<ul>, quote/<blockquote>,
code/<pre><code>, preformatted/<pre>, pullquote/<blockquote class="pullquote">, image/<img>, audio/<audio>
Build Web Components for "verse" and "markdown" and "gallery" and you're basically done. of course this would mean using HTML as HTML and not just as a JS-delivery wrapper
rest of critique may have been in -chat at the time. I copy pasted some bits I could find
tbbrown joined the channel
[tantek] has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (78 in all channels)
vika_nezrimaya, tetov-irc and tbbrown joined the channel