#dev 2022-06-19

2022-06-19 UTC
joe, geoffo_, vilhalmer, jacky, [schmarty], [tw2113_Slack_], GWG, mro, tetov-irc and totertats joined the channel
How I implement Indieweb, Webmention and H Entry in My Blog https://fundor333.com/post/2022/indieweb-webmention-and-h-entry-in-my-blog/ #indiwebwebmentionhentryhugotwtxt
jacky, mro and lagash joined the channel
How I implement Indieweb, Webmention and H Entry in My Blog https://fundor333.com/post/2022/indieweb-webmention-and-h-entry-in-my-blog/ #indiweb #webmention #hentry #hugo #twtxt
How I implement Indieweb, Webmention and H Entry in My Blog https://fundor333.com/post/2022/indieweb-webmention-and-h-entry-in-my-blog/ #indiweb #webmention #hentry #hugo #twtxt
How I implement Indieweb, Webmention and H Entry in My Blog https://fundor333.com/post/2022/indieweb-webmention-and-h-entry-in-my-blog/ #indiweb #webmention #hentry #hugo #twtxt
How I implement Indieweb, Webmention and H Entry in My Blog https://fundor333.com/post/2022/indieweb-webmention-and-h-entry-in-my-blog/ #indiweb #webmention #hentry #hugo #twtxt
[Scott_Jack] joined the channel
wow that domain is really spammy
How I implement Indieweb, Webmention and H Entry in My Blog https://fundor333.com/post/2022/indieweb-webmention-and-h-entry-in-my-blog/ #indiweb #webmention #hentry #hugo #twtxt
My guess would be they are testing Twitter syndication. Loqi just grabs every copy of the tweet. They seem to have removed most of those from their Twitter timeline
tetov-irc joined the channel
[Zegnat] that's a much nicer conclusion, I like you