jackyso we don't use client secrets in IndieAuth but I'm curious if the use of a secret could be some way to hint at some more privelege from the client?
ZegnatMost formats that are JSON are fine to get .json. I am not sure if the community ever landed on an extension. I am not even sure how often people link to jf2 files. There has been some talk of linking to mf2 files, but otherwise, most of our links probably return HTML.
BinyaminGreen[m]The reason I'm asking is, I want to add an extension for it in https://github.com/jshttp/mime-db. If mime-db listed `.jf2` as an extension, there might be more application support for it.
BinyaminGreen[m]From what I'm hearing, though, `.json` is used most often. It could list both, but neither `.jf2` nor `.mf2` seem popular or standardized enough.