[snarfed]capjamesg I use https://cloud.google.com/logging/ to capture Bridgy's logs, but there are lots of similar monitoring/observability tools. New Relic, Datadog, Splunk, Honeycomb, etc
IWDiscordGateway<capjamesg> snarfed Do you serve those logs from the brid.gy web interface (i.e. the ones that shows whether retrieving a Tweet was successful)?
[snarfed]it's a service, it doesn't use a file abstraction, but log entries come in many different types and have different metadata attached - project, module, URL for HTTP requests, module and line number for python log message, etc. you can query by those
[snarfed](in Python specifically, GCP attaches a `logging.Handler` that bundles up log messages and sends them to the GCP Logging service over the network to be stored)
gRegor, geoffo, AramZS and [hollie] joined the channel
IWDiscordGateway<capjamesg> I have a system through which I can query a domain and return logs. But, it takes 7 seconds to retrieve 200 lines of logs from Google Cloud.
gRegorSoon I want to get back to the migration from Silex (no longer supported) to symofoy/flex. I think that will make the code a lot easier, plus Twig templates.
[schmarty]i just migrated a Rails app to fly.io. i also used to use fly.io as a custom domain proxy in front of a glitch.com app (they have since made custom domains a part of glitch so i dropped that)