#dev 2022-07-16

2022-07-16 UTC
angelo, jacky, gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Updating my h-feed discovery algorithm to match the newer one on the wiki page
geoffo, jacky and [Jamie_Tanna] joined the channel
Zegnat main reason is Heroku slowly becoming a shadow of what they were under Salesforce's ownership. That and fly.io being newer, having some cool new features and Litestream support, too
But as schmarty says, also helps to avoid them after the recent breach
geoffo, gRegor, gRegorLove_, tetov-irc and jonnybarnes joined the channel
Not sure whats happening with indieauth and quill
I can log into the demo pin13.net/login
I get `Success! You logged in as https://jonnybarnes.uk/` and a json object shown with just a `me` key in it
When I try to log into Quill it seems to get just as far, it sends me to indieauth.com/auth, I click though the identity provider and then get sent back to Quill
but it shows the message “Can’t determine the authorisation endpoint.
The authorization server did not return a valid response”
given my authorization_endpoint is set to indieauth.com/auth I assume indieauth hsant sent a valid response to Quill?
this message is shown on the page quill/p3k.io/auth/callback?code=...&me=...&state=...
geoffo joined the channel
oh its probably my token endpoint, looking at my code
one of the functions I call is no longer in `IndieAuth\Client` 😅
if it is that then the quill error message could probably be improved?
Yeah, I can see a POST request to my token endpoint in the access log
nertzy joined the channel
ha, just realised, I think the error message is actually from my token endpoint
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Is anyone up for reviewing a Perl script?
alex11, gRegorLove__, gRegor, mro, nertzy, mro_, mro__, mambang, angelo, geoffo and tetov-irc joined the channel