nertzy, petermolnar, alex11, jonnybarnes, lagash, geoffo, [Murray], tetov-irc, [KevinMarks] and AramZS joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
[manton]Docker and Kubernetes may be overkill to start with. Is it a script you run? I would start by manually running the processes you need on multiple servers and then automate the management of them when you need to. (This is Ruby-specific, but I use Sidekiq across a few servers to manage background tasks. Probably something similar for Python.)
[manton]Yep. I think we’d need to know more about your current setup… Also, if you’re not already running multiple crawlers on a single server, that would be another place to start.
capjamesg_I can, after adding the right config, set up a crawler and have it send data to the main system from any machine. But I wanted to figure out how to automate this.
[manton][jacky] I'm glad it's working for someone! No need to send it, but thanks. I have an old one from a few years ago… Maybe something is busted with my account now.