#dev 2022-07-22

2022-07-22 UTC
jacky, gRegorLove_, jjuran and walkah joined the channel
xyzzydev[m]: that could be said for anything that's not hosted on AWS?
like that's the same issue that weakens AP because everyone keeps downloading the same images and videos onto their servers
also IIRC video streaming has gotten better w.r.t load with things like HLS
In light of the current feelings on Russia, wondering if I should remove Yandex from my code as a location provider
GWG: as a Russian, I'd say Yandex could potentially abuse its trust as a Google-tier corporation and become shady. They've already shown that they're doing shady stuff, like having their trackers on our e-government website and generally engaging in monopolistic practices.
That alone is a good reason to consider staying away from them.
vikanezrimaya: I also have Google Maps, Bing Maps, Mapbox, Here Maps, TomTom, MapQuest, and a few more.
They also decided to engage in price gouging on their cloud services after all the competitors stopped being able to accept Russian credit cards (thanks MasterCard! /s And yes I'm still sour about that)
I don't use them, but I want to have redundancy on map display.
GWG: In that case, I think it's mostly fine. Have you considered OpenStreetMap as a data source, or am I misunderstanding the term "location provider"?
vikanezrimaya: They don't provide static maps. They do provide reverse geocoding, and they are my default option for that.
Oddly enough, despite it not being the default, most people seem to go for Google Maps.
Ah, so you're pulling map tiles from them?
I'm sorry, I just drank a cup of coffee after not drinking some, and my brain is a little bit slow.
vikanezrimaya: My personal instance generates maps from OSM Map Tiles. But I'm not going to suggest other people set up a tile server. So I supported a few APIs for them to choose from
I think using Yandex for map tiles is a small enough use to not be considered evil.
I just wonder if 9 different choices is enough.
If people have choice in this matter when setting up the software, I think there's no reason to artificially shrink that choice down by removing an option, at least.
GWG: I think it's more than enough, considering one could also do the same as you and set up a tile server.
I'm about to do my yearly...check all the apis are up to date test
walkah and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
[manton]1, [jeremycherfas]1 and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
I just documented a whole crate while procrastinating on important stuff, like working on my templates.
It is still a good thing I managed to document it all, but I should be working on more important things!
WhT could be more important than documentation?
[jeremycherfas]1: actual code that makes things work?
Because without code there would eventually be nothing to document
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Fair point, although I would argue that they could be considered one thing.
They aren't, often, but they could be.
walkah_, gxt, tetov-irc, j12t_, nertzy, jacky, FenTiger, AramZS, chenghiz_, [snarfed] and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
coming up in just under an hour is a HOPE conference talk about ActivityPub. curious to see what is said. livestream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQVElKl5X4I and talk details here https://scheduler.hope.net/new-hope/talk/YMEZ8K/
anyone know why rel=authorization_endpoint was replaced by rel=indieauth-metadata?
oh wait nvm, i see that it's a bit different
i.e. it has more data, including the auth endpoint
[manton] joined the channel
Yeah, indieauth-metadata is relatively new, added to the spec just in the last year. Not sure how widely it’s supported yet, so clients should fall back on authorization_endpoint too.
(I still haven’t gotten around to support -metadata.)
I think I implemented support for the authorization_endpoint value.
jvt.me too I think.
i'm not sure how useful it is, given that the metadata can also be picked up from the microformats.
with -metadata, it brings IndieAuth in-line OAuth2; also it means adding new endpoints is easier as they are simply added into the -metadata file
I don't have the exact stats of the top of my head, but most people implement -metadata via the wordpress plugin... and there are <10 other implementations in the wild
hmm i think generating the file from microformats could be interesting
AramZS and geoffo joined the channel
My experience with the IndieWeb, and how I made my website ready for it. https://chringel.dev/2022/07/indiewebify-me-and-dont-forget-my-webmentions/ #indieweb #webmention #posse
jacky, geoffo and [Jamie_Tanna] joined the channel
Metadata defines much more than is currently available in the MF2 though - https://indieauth.jvt.me/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server
The new token introspection endpoint, for instance, is only in there
yes, that and the metadata document describes the indieauth server, not the user's website, which is the reason for moving all those other properties there instead of defining them from the user's website
jacky joined the channel
^ this is a VERY GOOD thing to explicit describe in a "Scope" section
jacky and tetov-irc joined the channel