[snarfed]local network HTTP has plenty of prior art, local hostnames work without needing DNS for TLDs, and mDNS/Bonjour etc are well established and and adopted and work pretty well
[snarfed]for WAN though, I still wonder whether we need any of this. seems like just encouraging finite number/duration of retries, with backoff, would be enough for most use cases
[snarfed](including retrying webmention discovery! not sure there's much value in putting wm endpoints into DNS if the endpoint itself is often co-located and is likely also down)
[tantek]snarfed, beyond "just" local network HTTP, my point was trying to bridge trust from CAs (gained while WAN connected), into local network scenarios
[snarfed]true! if we ever wanted to seriously try indieweb over LAN (etc), it would have a number of open questions like that. I think they'd be pretty different from the intermittent WAN connectivity scenario though
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Dynamic IP" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Dynamic IP is ____", a sentence describing the term)
AramZ-S[m]Dynamic IP is the mapping of a web-facing URL to a non-permanent IP address that can change over time like a home computer or portable device.
petermolnarre: sleeping websites, I wasn't just thinking of webmentions, but yes, that is one of the use cases; I was also, and more importantly, thinking of displaying friendlier errors to users.
gerben, joshproehl, walkah and tetov-irc joined the channel
IWDiscordGateway<capjamesg> Is there a service to map h-feed to RSS / JSON Feed? I want to remove my feed composition code from my static site generator but still want to preserve these feed types.
@GitHubSecurityGitHub is investigating the Tweet published Wed, Aug. 3, 2022: * No repositories were compromised * Malicious code was posted to cloned repositories, not the repositories themselves * The clones were quarantined and there was no evident compromise of GitHub or maintainer accounts (twitter.com/_/status/1554843443200806913)
[tantek]btw, is this a silo advantage or disadvantage? disadvantage because GH is a bigger target, advantage because GH was able to "clean-up" repos on behalf of people
[manton]Yeah, it’s say a little of both. There is also a parallel problem of developers becoming too relaxed about having many dependencies and (sometimes) not even knowing what or where the dependencies are. I think I worry about that more than GitHub as a silo.
[tantek]"there is *no out-of-the-box solution* for making your website ready for the IndieWeb" <-- what's missing for considering micro.blog an "*out-of-the-box solution*"?
[tantek]also that's a bit of a half-empty statement for a blog post about the relatively quick success of making your *Hugo* website ready for the IndieWeb
[tantek]I mean this is also part of the goal of the three column layout we've been talking about (and would be good to actually get a draft of which might require some in-person diagramming / hacking)
[tantek]aaronpk, precisely the reason for the three paths. EITHER you're looking for an "*out-of-the-box solution*" (micro.blog), OR you're "popular CMS with UI" person (WordPress), OR you're a developer (SSG, DIY, etc.)
[manton]Mentioning the IndieWeb on the Micro.blog home page… Yikes, that is a big oversight. Our web page needs a larger update but I could do that as a quick fix.
[tantek]I don't know what % of folks come to micro.blog looking to "join the IndieWeb" but hopefully it's a large enough % that such a mention is more helpful than a distraction
aaronpkyeah i definitely wouldn't expect it to be a big callout on the micro.blog home page, but at least someone looking for "is this going to get me on the indieweb" should be able to find some sort of confirmation of that!
[tantek]Another positive thing from this article is that the combination of IndieWebify.me and the [IndieMark] "Levels" helped provide a roadmap of sorts that gave a relatively direct path to follow, a sense of achievement ("*Level 2 IndieWeb citizen*"), and a clear idea of next steps: "What I’m currently missing is a way of having IndieWeb conversations (IndieWeb level 3, according to IndieWebify.me)"
[tantek]for all the folks here have been critical about IndieMark or having explicit levels, I wanted to point out that, *even to a developer*, it was helpful to have specific guidance and an particular opinion of ordering of features
[tantek]and that the label "IndieMark" (unmentioned in the post, which is fine) is much less important than the concept of "levels", no matter what they're called
[schmarty]re: that blog post - micro.blog is built on Hugo and you can write your own custom themes in Hugo so it is in many ways a turnkey Hugo hosting service as well!
[joe088][aaronpk] Is there an issue with aperture.p3k.io currently? Maybe Watchtower? Been trying to add some feeds but a lot of them show 0 entries despite posts as of yesterday. The feeds show fine in the Monocle previewer, though.
[joe088]I may spin up my own server for it and find out if it's just my feeds or if it's something else. But wanted to check if there was something obvious before I head down that road.
[snarfed]I don't actually mind, especially if they report any vulnerabilities they find, https://brid.gy/about#vulnerability . usually they're pretty unsophisticated though, eg indiscriminately trying common vulnerabilities in wordpress plugins or similar