#dev 2022-08-05

2022-08-05 UTC
chee, geoffo, mlncn, mlncn_ and mlncn__ joined the channel
whew trying to learn about spatialite to poke around the idea of "Moresquare" and... wow SRIDs / projections are confusing to think about. what the heck does Swarm / Foursquare use as their SRID? 😰
nearing enough knowledge to be dangerous (read: make a sloppy prototype)
Indiewebify me! And don't forget my webmentions! https://ift.tt/hcaOwST
[marksuth] joined the channel
Serious noob question: Most of my Python programs are silly little things that only do a few things for me, usually using data that currently lives in the same folder as the .py Would I be better off having all of those in a higher Python folder, and setting a single environment for that? Or is it really best to keep each project in a folder with an environment for that project alone?
[Jamie_Tanna] and mlncn__ joined the channel
<capjamesg> jeremycherfas I have a single folder where I keep a lot of my small scripts. It has a lot of random code (and much of it was for one-off tasks).
And do you keep external data loose in the same folder?
For example, some of my movement tracking reads data files that I update each month.
<capjamesg> I keep csv files, etc. in that folder too.
<capjamesg> The heuristic I can derive from my use of the folder is that if something is more than one script / is evolving into a bigger project / is something I am going to open source, I will create a new directory.
tetov-irc and [Murray] joined the channel
Utterly mystified `pip list` in my venv shows both pandas and numpy. But `which -a pandas` says `zsh: permission denied: pandas` and I have read & write permission on /venv
Maybe I should just try to recreate the python program I am trying to run, from scratch. Because the error I keep getting seems to keep referring to a python version not in the venv I so carefully set up.
hm, is pandas a command which would find?
I thought thats just a python lib?
Oh. I thought it did, before. I'm probably mistaken.
The thing is, I've now tried the problematic portions of my code in an interactive Python session, and it all just works ;)
So maybe I should forget about watching it work with Jupyter and just run the darned thing.
But first, lunch.
[tantek] joined the channel
Well, that was simple. I was trapped in a rut of getting a notebook to run. There's nothing wrong with the program. worked perfectly. I think Anaconda has squeezed the life out of my system. I don't really need it, although Spyder is useful.
I installed it because the MOOC I studied said to do so, but I'm going to try and manage without, for a while.
geoffo, jacky, AramZS and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
i set up TLS for https://indieweb.rocks so it no longer redirects erroneously to my homepage
it may work for indieauth.com sign-in now?
gregor you'd probably have to "Forget this site" if you'd like to try again
tantek i want the site to be a kind of living, breathing test suite; you "pass" when your site/posts are rendered correctly
nertzy and mlncn__ joined the channel
angelo++ love that
angelo has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (9 in all channels)
gRegor joined the channel
https://indieweb.rocks loads with cert, but stills says Internal Server Error for me
it's probably a broken session.. try clearing the session cookie
Maybe the server shouldn't eat bad cookies
Aha, that worked
sets header Preferred-Cookie: Thin Mints
My indieauth endpoint doesn't support profile/email scopes yet, so we'll see how sign in works :)
500 error again when I get back to the indieweb.rocks callback.
jacky joined the channel
I kinda want to set that HTTP header for real now as an easter egg
what is easter egg
An easter egg is an (often small) undocumented feature, many are small jokes https://indieweb.org/easter_egg
if you do i'll have to return with "HTTP 712: everyone knows samoas are the best"
i see your error, similar to omz13 the other day where i'm expecting a "name" in the response.. i'm definitely going to spend some time making clean, helpful errors for the sign in process
"name" or "me"?
oh, "name" is probably profile scope
A good nudge for me to implement that
and i need to be more graceful with what i expect
Yeah, falling back to the me value would be good, like "Welcome https://gregorlove.com"
geoffo, jacky, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__ and gxt___ joined the channel
Me: let's crawl all my checkins to make a list of venues so i can see what's close!
Me in 2018: "let's not get carried away" with mf2. [explicitly omits latitude and longitude from the checkin templates]
literally i found the commit where i last tweaked the mf2 for my checkins and the git commit comment was: "maybe better mf2 for checkins but hey let's not get carried away"
jacky joined the channel
😂 😭
quite a comedian, this guy. thankfully it was quite the easy add from looking at the /checkin page. wiki++
wiki has 2 karma over the last year
<capjamesg> 😂
<capjamesg> wiki++
wiki has 3 karma over the last year
jacky, gRegor, geoffo and tetov-irc joined the channel