#dev 2022-08-14

2022-08-14 UTC
testie, angelo, mro and geoffo joined the channel
I feel like that made the rounds before, like maybe a year ago?
Good post by Holovaty on the problems of webview in-app browsers (and a proposed standards solution) https://www.holovaty.com/writing/framebust-native-apps/
tetov-irc, mro, geoffo, jacky and mlncn joined the channel
A Ruby gem for sending Webmention notifications. (from 28/05/2020) #twitterbot #ruby #rails #rubyonrails #rubydeveloper #railsdeveloper #programming https://www.rubyonrails.ba/single/a-ruby-gem-for-sending-webmention-notifications
chenghiz_, jacky, mro, geoffo, cjw6k, angelo and jonnybarnes joined the channel
Does an OS randomly select an ephermal port with which to make a connection when someone initiates a connection to a service?
petermolnar joined the channel
For the outbound port, yes. It will usually present as the samef port from their point of view, but this can limit the number of connections you can serve at once, and if your code leaks ports by not closing them correctly it can make your server fail.
AramZS, mro, barnaby, janbrasna, alecjonathon, janbrasna1, chenghiz_, gxt and tetov-irc joined the channel