2022-09-02 UTC
# 00:12 [campegg] I’m working on backfeeding favorites/retweets/replies from Twitter, and while they have a `retweets_of_me` endpoint in the API, they don’t seem to have the same for favorites and replies… what’s the best practice way of retrieving this info — surely it’s not a case of polling every tweet periodically, is it?
# 00:40 [tantek]4 I would check the Bridgy Backfeed source to answer that question 🙂
# 00:51 [campegg] That’s a great idea —thanks, [tantek]!
# 00:56 gRegor Got the Hangouts Takeout. JSON with a ton of nested details. Doubt it's any open standard.
# 00:59 gRegor conversations > conversation > events > chat_message > message_content > segment > {"type":"text","value":"Hola"}
# 01:03 [tantek]4 wow. I can't even. layers of abstraction. architecture astronomy. seven layer data structure dip
# 01:08 gRegor Helpful XD: delivery_medium_option.delivery_medium.medium_type = BABEL_MEDIUM
# 01:11 [tantek]4 yo dawg, I heard you like it medium with the medium option so I delivered some medium of the type medium for you
# 02:09 [snarfed] [campegg] sadly yes, you have to poll every tweet periodically for favorites, at least in the v1 Twitter API, and recursively search and follow `in_reply_to_status_id`s for replies
# 02:10 [snarfed] (not to mention the v1 API doesn't expose favorites at all, you have to scrape them from the web)
# 02:11 [snarfed] v2 has favorites at least. can't fetch replies, exactly, but does let you search by `conversation_id`, which helps somewhat
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# 10:14 [campegg] That's helpful — thanks, [snarfed]!
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# 19:43 gRegor I've experienced this with feed readers consuming my Atom feed, too
# 19:44 Loqi [gRegor Morrill] I’m attendingHomebrew Website Club - Pacific August 31, 2022 at 6PM Pacific.
# 19:44 gRegor So I wonder if there's some other dependency xray and feed readers have in common with an issue?
# 19:44 gRegor Ahh, that also might explain why <data> doesn't end up in the html version either
# 19:45 aaronpk well that's cause i don't have <data> tags in the list of allowed tags
# 19:45 aaronpk but i'm sure a bunch of feed readers also use htmlpurifier so might want to check for issues there
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# 19:50 gRegor 5BCore.CollectErrors%5D=0&filter%5BNull_HTML.Allowed%5D=1&filter%5BNull_HTML.Doctype%5D=1&filter%5BHTML.SafeObject%5D=0&filter%5BHTML.TidyLevel%5D=medium&filter%5BURI.DisableExternalResources%5D=0&filter%5BNull_URI.Munge%5D=1&html=%3Cp%3EI%E2%80%99m+%3Cdata+class%3D%22p-rsvp%22+value%3D%22yes%22%3Eattending%3C%2Fdata%3E+%3Ca+class%3D%22u-in-reply-to+h-event%22+href%3D%22https%3A%2F%2Fevents.indieweb.org%2F2022%2F08%2Fhomebre
# 19:50 gRegor w-website-club-pacific-H1OfUHjRi5QM%22%3EHomebrew+Website+Club+-+Pacific%3C%2Fa%3E+August+31%2C+2022+at+6PM+Pacific.%3C%2Fp%3E&submit=Submit
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