#dev 2022-09-02

2022-09-02 UTC
I’m working on backfeeding favorites/retweets/replies from Twitter, and while they have a `retweets_of_me` endpoint in the API, they don’t seem to have the same for favorites and replies… what’s the best practice way of retrieving this info — surely it’s not a case of polling every tweet periodically, is it?
I would check the Bridgy Backfeed source to answer that question 🙂
That’s a great idea —thanks, [tantek]!
Got the Hangouts Takeout. JSON with a ton of nested details. Doubt it's any open standard.
conversations > conversation > events > chat_message > message_content > segment > {"type":"text","value":"Hola"}
wow. I can't even. layers of abstraction. architecture astronomy. seven layer data structure dip
Helpful XD: delivery_medium_option.delivery_medium.medium_type = BABEL_MEDIUM
yo dawg, I heard you like it medium with the medium option so I delivered some medium of the type medium for you
[campegg] sadly yes, you have to poll every tweet periodically for favorites, at least in the v1 Twitter API, and recursively search and follow `in_reply_to_status_id`s for replies
(not to mention the v1 API doesn't expose favorites at all, you have to scrape them from the web)
v2 has favorites at least. can't fetch replies, exactly, but does let you search by `conversation_id`, which helps somewhat
gxt_ joined the channel
Webmention W3C protocol for notifying a URL when a website links to it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webmention
cjw6k joined the channel
<capjamesg> gRegor that is strange.
[jeremycherfas], kloenk and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
That's helpful — thanks, [snarfed]!
tetov-irc, hs0ucy, netrunner, AramZS, [jeremycherfas]1, [Jamie_Tanna]1, gxt, jacky, neceve, voxpelli, sknebel and Seirdy joined the channel; netrunner left the channel
Odd whitespace issue with <data> elements in Xray. Space after "attending" gets truncated in the text: https://xray.p3k.io/parse?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgregorlove.com%2F2022%2F08%2Fim-attending-homebrew-website-club%2F&pretty=true
I've experienced this with feed readers consuming my Atom feed, too
oof weird
[gRegor Morrill] I’m attendingHomebrew Website Club - Pacific August 31, 2022 at 6PM Pacific.
So I wonder if there's some other dependency xray and feed readers have in common with an issue?
well it uses htmlpurifier
Ahh, that also might explain why <data> doesn't end up in the html version either
well that's cause i don't have <data> tags in the list of allowed tags
but i'm sure a bunch of feed readers also use htmlpurifier so might want to check for issues there
will do
jacky joined the channel
ack, sorry
jacky, [chrisaldrich], kloenk, pmlnr and tetov-irc joined the channel