#dev 2022-09-19
2022-09-19 UTC
[snarfed] and geoffo joined the channel
[jgarber] MicroMicro supports this: https://github.com/jgarber623/micromicro
geoffo joined the channel
gRegor Cool. Is that a different parser than https://github.com/microformats/microformats-ruby? (I don't know Ruby well)
Poo joined the channel
@Naitakal How comes I haven’t heard about wenmentions until just now? I really need to see how I can implement this in a useful way for my website. Thanks for your post about it! http://adrianmouat.com/posts/enabling-webmention-for-comments/ via @adrianmouat (twitter.com/_/status/1571604480017195008)
@ariadneconill this thread outlines why web-wide single sign on (e.g. via the indieauth variant of OIDC) is critical if we want to live in a world where we have agency as internet participants. (twitter.com/_/status/1571803106576576512)
tetov-irc joined the channel
[Jamie_Tanna] joined the channel
[Jamie_Tanna] Is there a way to get Granary to show a user's tweets, including retweets? Or is Twitter-atom needed?
[Jamie_Tanna] I've got a List on Twitter that doesn't seem to be including RTs
@kasimir_030 I really need to have this on my blog https://daily-dev-tips.com/posts/goodbye-comments-welcome-webmentions/ via @DailyDevTips1 (twitter.com/_/status/1571116097059033090)
geoffo and AramZS joined the channel
corlaez joined the channel
corlaez RSSHub allows twitter (and many other sites) to generate RSS https://docs.rsshub.app/en/
[snarfed] hah also there's no UI: https://rsshub.app/
[Jamie_Tanna] You're welcome, thanks for the speedy fix 👏
corlaez so, after their critique to mf they actually describe a tool that could be interesting to have for mf2. Like some sort of automatic validation https://youtu.be/Je6G4IUYcGI
capjamesg maxwelljosyln After our Lisp chat: https://gist.github.com/capjamesg/a546ba1ab8737b7f9a8ef3f9f8c4b7ed
vikanezrimaya Good morning IndieWeb! I am currently seeking feedback on testing my implementation of an IndieAuth client, because I seem to have encountered a bug that could be sitting in my library and I want to iron it out.
vikanezrimaya This is the helper. Compiling it (using cargo build --feature=cli --bin kittybox-indieauth-helper) should give a binary that will lead one through the process of IndieAuth and hopefully acquire a token
vikanezrimaya Something seems to be off about PKCE challenges, because my website doesn't want to authenticate Quill, which I presume has a well-behaved IndieAuth implementation
vikanezrimaya Maybe I'm calculating it wrong? https://git.sr.ht/~vikanezrimaya/kittybox/tree/main/item/kittybox-rs/indieauth/src/pkce.rs#L69-83
vikanezrimaya The helper obviously seems to work well with my own website, because they use the same library.
vikanezrimaya I am in fact using what should be Base64Url encoding, as evident in L77
vikanezrimaya I believe the Rust type system should make that highly improbable, but I will check in a minute...
aaronpk you can compare the output of your code_challenge function with this site which is a correct implementation of the PKCE challenge https://example-app.com/pkce
vikanezrimaya aaronpk: thank you! I didn't know about that resource
vikanezrimaya I'll make a few test-cases using data from this tool; maybe the results will help in achieving enlightenment on this issue
[tantek]4 Nice
vikanezrimaya Ok, I glued up a simple test case that compares the output of the challenge with the known-good value. Let's see how spectacularly it fails
vikanezrimaya lol the padding
vikanezrimaya everything is right except my implementation inserted one character of padding apparently?!
vikanezrimaya is it permissible to Base64-decode the hash before comparing? that could solve the problem
aaronpk here's the pkce spec describing its encoding without padding https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7636#appendix-A
vikanezrimaya Ah, I see, PKCE mandates all padding to be removed beforehand! That was my mistake.
vikanezrimaya I shall update the library to remove the padding from the code challenges then.
aaronpk here's the base64 encoding spec saying that padding is not required if used by a spec that says it's not required https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4648#section-3.2
vikanezrimaya aaronpk++ you're absolutely amazing
vikanezrimaya how do you remember all of this? or do you have a search engine tailored to searching for RFCs somewhere?
vikanezrimaya Ah, the references! I sometimes forget they're there -- I guess I have a lot to learn in terms of RFC-surfing
vikanezrimaya I often neglect that...
vikanezrimaya RFCese 😂
vikanezrimaya Ok, the test passes now that I've stripped the padding. I guess I should update my production environment then
neceve and gRegor joined the channel
vikanezrimaya with this commit, I should have fully self-hosted IndieAuth. One more step to full autonomy
vikanezrimaya aaaaa
vikanezrimaya invalid_authorization_endpoint
vikanezrimaya at least it's different tho!
vikanezrimaya i wish i could see exactly what quill sees... I might need to improve my debug logging
tetov-irc joined the channel
vikanezrimaya Oh really? The address needs to match byte-for-byte?! (`/.kittybox/indieauth/auth` in https://fireburn.ru/, `https://fireburn.ru/.kittybox/indieauth/auth` in metadata endpoint)
vikanezrimaya I thought Quill would canonicalize the URL... oh no
vikanezrimaya Loqi: yes, that's me
vikanezrimaya I need to check the spec...
vikanezrimaya > ...verify that URL declares the same authorization endpoint as was discovered in the initial discovery step...
vikanezrimaya > The URLs discovered MAY be relative URLs, in which case *the client MUST resolve them relative to the current document URL*... (emphasis mine)
vikanezrimaya this leads me to belive that Quill doesn't expand the relative URL the second time and therefore is not compliant. aaronpk your thoughts?
vikanezrimaya debugging IndieAuth is fun
geoffo joined the channel
gRegor You're signing in with https://fireburn.ru correct? For me, Quill ends up at your authorization_endpoint prompting for login and scopes
gRegor the indieauth-client lib Quill uses has a PR for that though: https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth-client-php/pull/19
vikanezrimaya Hm, let me try https://
vikanezrimaya Ok, it did make a difference!
vikanezrimaya Weird! I thought Quill was supposed to follow the chain of redirects properly...
vikanezrimaya aaa! I caught a spec error!!!
vikanezrimaya scope isn't listed as a parameter in spec text, yet is present in the example, and Quill also requires it!
vikanezrimaya aaronpk: should "scope" be present in access token grant response? Spec doesn't mention it, example in spec does, Quill requires it in the wild
vikanezrimaya Probably a mistake
vikanezrimaya No, this is response, not request.
vikanezrimaya In the request, scopes are present, but Quill wants to have "scope" in resposne to see which scopes the user granted to the app
vikanezrimaya > The token response is a JSON object containing: - access_token (required)... - me (required)... - profile (optional)... - expires_in (recommended)... - refresh_token (optional)...
vikanezrimaya no mention of "scope"
vikanezrimaya EXAMPLE 12: has "scope" parameter
vikanezrimaya Quill: > The token endpoint did not return a "scope" parameter. The `scope` parameter lets this client know what permission the token represents.
vikanezrimaya I was transcribing the spec when building my IndieAuth library, and did not include a scope: Scopes parameter in my GrantResponse::AccessToken
vikanezrimaya My endpoint has limiting scopes as a defining feature. Actually, I went one step further. The default is to grant no scopes, user must explicitly allow any requested scopes
vikanezrimaya I want scope granting to feel intentional
vikanezrimaya I want the user to click checkboxes with intent and understanding (which is why I also have user-friendly explanations for scopes, and even a small-ish explainer at the top, which I tested on my non-techy friends even!)
barnaby joined the channel
barnaby vikanezrimaya sounds cool, do you have a screenshot of that in action? would be worth adding to https://indieweb.org/consent_screen
vikanezrimaya I can make one real quick!
vikanezrimaya barnaby: go ahead
vikanezrimaya how to upload files on the wiki?...
vikanezrimaya thanks
vikanezrimaya uploaded!
vikanezrimaya looks good on the page with the rest of the examples
vikanezrimaya I targeted someone similar to my friends -- a non-techy person, and even tried to do a research by showing my friends the UI and asking them if they understand what's going on
vikanezrimaya I do present them! Let me look up my templates...
vikanezrimaya `format!("(custom or unknown scope) <code>{}</code>", scope.as_ref())`
vikanezrimaya (Scope::as_ref() gives a &str corresponding to serialized form of the scope)
vikanezrimaya barnaby: I use live debugging on a Kittybox instance rigged to serve as a test stand
vikanezrimaya to see how the user would see it
vikanezrimaya not as comprehensive, but allows me to test entire flows at once
vikanezrimaya I wrote a special-purpose client that tests an entire IndieAuth flow. It's not too comprehensive but it helped me iron out some issues
vikanezrimaya However, its vulnerability was using the same library as Kittybox for IndieAuth, which made me stumble when I tried a wild implementation
vikanezrimaya are features required for this? just bind to localhost and stub some "https" for "http" in some places where it's important
vikanezrimaya ...i store my tokens as flat files...
vikanezrimaya what is SQLite /s
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "SQLite /s" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "SQLite /s is ____", a sentence describing the term)
vikanezrimaya i plan to continue doing that
vikanezrimaya flatfiles++
vikanezrimaya database--
vikanezrimaya databases are harder to hack on
vikanezrimaya considering i still don't have an admin dashboard to enroll credentials, I had to manually create a file with the password hash
vikanezrimaya barnaby: I generate a 16 char string for auth codes and 128 char string for tokens
vikanezrimaya no way someone would guess a token or even a code...
vikanezrimaya Also the ctime of the authcode is checked to ensure it's still valid; I capped it at 10 minutes
vikanezrimaya filesystem metadata is awesome
vikanezrimaya i basically get authcode validity checking for almost free, just one syscall... and as for cleaning up, I could make systemd-tmpfiles clean up stale codes after me!
vikanezrimaya the novel thing I did in Kittybox for the token storage is actually sanitizing filenames, since an attack to read or delete some files would otherwise be trivial -- just try to access the authorization endpoint with a code like ../../../../../../../etc/passwd (of course Kittybox doesn't run as root and cannot read nor delete that file, but it could've attempted if not for me only allowing alphanumeric characters in codes and tokens!)
barnaby okay I raised an issue on the indieauth spec, feel free to clarify/expand on it https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/issues/116