#dev 2022-10-25
2022-10-25 UTC
# haskell_is_no_ha ;; ANSWER SECTION:
# haskell_is_no_ha www.mywebsite.com. 3600 IN CNAME mywebsite.com.
# haskell_is_no_ha mywebsite.com. 600 IN A (changed a couple digits)
# haskell_is_no_ha mywebsite.com. 600 IN A (changed a couple digits here as well)
# haskell_is_no_ha I don't have a way to do it from WAN unfortunately, been using my cellphone to try and access the website. Would it work as a WAN connection if I used a vpn on my local machine?
# haskell_is_no_ha The answers it's giving in dig aren't the IP of the machine on my LAN running apache so now I think there might be a dns issue
# haskell_is_no_ha oh thanks! Any you would recommend?
# haskell_is_no_ha little hesitant to give a random website my ip
# barnaby none that I’m really familiar, google has one https://toolbox.googleapps.com/apps/dig/
# haskell_is_no_ha ty barnaby!
# haskell_is_no_ha true that
# haskell_is_no_ha yeah I'm using a domain name so it has my name on it, it's like a resume showoff website
geoffo joined the channel
# [tantek] hey capjamesg, I think I missed this in the scrollback from the weekend. I think I said I was ok with whatever license you & angelo settled on for indieweb utils. did you want an explicit comment or reacji on https://github.com/capjamesg/indieweb-utils/issues/73 ?
# IWDiscordGateway <slyduda> snarfed: small issue still. will update you in a bit
# IWDiscordGateway <slyduda> snarfed: okay so the issue is that the target will not be accurate because of the follow_redirect function that we didn't want to change because of the decrease in performance bridgy would get as a result of all of the get requests if we factored in client side redirect
# IWDiscordGateway <slyduda> since the target is the same all webmentions are forwarded to the wrong url which isn't terrible, but definitely ideal. i would propose adding one more return value in the discover function in webutils that returns the `corrected_target` along with a check to see if it exists and to set `target` value to it if so. i will add this in the issue
# haskell_is_no_ha Thanks barnaby I just had the wrong IP, was using the local IP instead of the outside facing one lol. Still a noob with this stuff :p
haskell_is_no_ha left the channel
# @voxpelli ↩️ Why we all should really follow the @indiewebcamp community and do POSSE, Webmentions etc on top of Twitter: https://indieweb.org/POSSE (twitter.com/_/status/1584825202109718528)
[marksuth], neceve, aaronpk, gerben, gxt, ash[m] and gRegor joined the channel
# capjamesg I don't know Kotlin but I like the syntax for having custom DSLs: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/type-safe-builders.html
AramZS, crimsonkinda, geoffo and gerben joined the channel
# [aciccarello] I love that this blog post ends with "PS: A div is still not a button." 😆 https://www.matuzo.at/blog/2022/twitter-ban/
# [aciccarello] Could note on /Twitter
geoffo, Seirdy, gxt and [manton] joined the channel
geoffo joined the channel
# [aciccarello] I shudder to think how moderation will be gutted if headcount is cut by 75% 😬
# [schmarty] [Ana_Rodrigues] ++ for https://github.com/martymcguire/indiewebring.ws/issues/16 !!
geoffo joined the channel
[cowglow], CrowderSoup3, voxpelli, moose3332, kdas_, Zegnat, strugee_, sivoais, epoch and gxt joined the channel
# capjamesg I love this comment, generally: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33333989
# [aciccarello] So true...
# [schmarty] Jeff Geerling has your back, capjamesg: https://redshirtjeff.com/listing/it-was-dns-shirt?product=1565
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
# [tw2113_Slack_] and sharing that site internally at my dayjob
# [tantek] js;dr << js;dp? (didn't purchase) The product page https://redshirtjeff.com/listing/it-was-dns-shirt?product=1565 only shows "You need to enable JavaScript to run this app." without JS
# Loqi ok, I added "js;dp? (didn't purchase) The product page https://redshirtjeff.com/listing/it-was-dns-shirt?product=1565 only shows "You need to enable JavaScript to run this app." without JS" to the "See Also" section of /js;dr https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=83994&oldid=83701
# Saphire On the flip side, wiring up a proper templating thing and making it work both with and without JS is rather... well, sometimes it is not worth the effort for rather tiny percent
# Saphire When I was still using umatrix, I just enabled first party JS and that worked perfectly fine for most stuff
# Saphire I'll quite gladly see a no-js graph rendering thing that feels half as responsive as a JS page in regards to changing what is shown... and giving you nice hover-on info without giving you an HTML the size of a framework >_>
# Saphire (uh, graph as in, chart, derp)
geoffo, barnaby and tbbrown joined the channel
# [KevinMarks] You can run Plot client side or server side and get an SVG https://observablehq.com/collection/@observablehq/plot
gerben, gRegorLove_ and lanodan joined the channel