#dev 2022-10-25

2022-10-25 UTC
www.mywebsite.com. 3600 IN CNAME mywebsite.com.
mywebsite.com. 600 IN A (changed a couple digits)
mywebsite.com. 600 IN A (changed a couple digits here as well)
I don't have a way to do it from WAN unfortunately, been using my cellphone to try and access the website. Would it work as a WAN connection if I used a vpn on my local machine?
The answers it's giving in dig aren't the IP of the machine on my LAN running apache so now I think there might be a dns issue
probably, yeah, or you could use an online dig tool to see what other networks see
oh thanks! Any you would recommend?
little hesitant to give a random website my ip
none that I’m really familiar, google has one https://toolbox.googleapps.com/apps/dig/
ty barnaby!
are you self-hosting whatever this site is for personal use, and giving it a domain name for convenience? because if the domain name is resolvable and findable, any random site is going to be able to find your IP address, no?
true that
yeah I'm using a domain name so it has my name on it, it's like a resume showoff website
a resume showoff website is a perfectly good use-case for a personal indieweb site
geoffo joined the channel
hey capjamesg, I think I missed this in the scrollback from the weekend. I think I said I was ok with whatever license you & angelo settled on for indieweb utils. did you want an explicit comment or reacji on https://github.com/capjamesg/indieweb-utils/issues/73 ?
[capjamesg] #73 Transition license to CC0
<slyduda> snarfed: small issue still. will update you in a bit
<slyduda> snarfed: okay so the issue is that the target will not be accurate because of the follow_redirect function that we didn't want to change because of the decrease in performance bridgy would get as a result of all of the get requests if we factored in client side redirect
<slyduda> since the target is the same all webmentions are forwarded to the wrong url which isn't terrible, but definitely ideal. i would propose adding one more return value in the discover function in webutils that returns the `corrected_target` along with a check to see if it exists and to set `target` value to it if so. i will add this in the issue
Thanks barnaby I just had the wrong IP, was using the local IP instead of the outside facing one lol. Still a noob with this stuff :p
haskell_is_no_ha left the channel
[tantek] A comment would be great!
↩️ Why we all should really follow the @indiewebcamp community and do POSSE, Webmentions etc on top of Twitter: https://indieweb.org/POSSE
[marksuth], neceve, aaronpk, gerben, gxt, ash[m] and gRegor joined the channel
I don't know Kotlin but I like the syntax for having custom DSLs: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/type-safe-builders.html
AramZS, crimsonkinda, geoffo and gerben joined the channel
I love that this blog post ends with "PS: A div is still not a button." 😆 https://www.matuzo.at/blog/2022/twitter-ban/
That blog post should be put somewhere on the wiki.
I hope everything gets sorted.
geoffo, Seirdy, gxt and [manton] joined the channel
It’s weird that with 7500 employees, Twitter doesn’t seem able to actually read and correctly respond to those kind of community rules violations. Mistakes happen, but not being able to fix them without sending form letters isn’t great.
geoffo joined the channel
I shudder to think how moderation will be gutted if headcount is cut by 75% 😬
[Ana_Rodrigues] has 1 karma over the last year
[manton]: Haven't checked...how is your check-in service doing? I forgot to ask if you loaded in more data for testing
[ohhelloana] #16 Improve accessibility of the output code for the webring
[Ana_Rodrigues] has 2 karma over the last year
geoffo joined the channel
@GWG Haven’t loaded more data in yet, but plan to very soon… Probably by next week.
[manton]: No rush... still building infrastructure
Hoping to have something to real world test before November 8th, the next flight I'm taking
[cowglow], CrowderSoup3, voxpelli, moose3332, kdas_, Zegnat, strugee_, sivoais, epoch and gxt joined the channel
[mrbuttons454] It's not DNS There's no way it's DNS It was DNS
So true...
This is the third time I have said this today, but I would like that on a mug.
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
and sharing that site internally at my dayjob
"You need to enable JavaScript to run this app." 😢
js;dr << js;dp? (didn't purchase) The product page https://redshirtjeff.com/listing/it-was-dns-shirt?product=1565 only shows "You need to enable JavaScript to run this app." without JS
ok, I added "js;dp? (didn't purchase) The product page https://redshirtjeff.com/listing/it-was-dns-shirt?product=1565 only shows "You need to enable JavaScript to run this app." without JS" to the "See Also" section of /js;dr https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=83994&oldid=83701
"You need to enable Javascript to read this t-shirt."
document.write("You need to enable Javascript to read this t-shirt.");
On the flip side, wiring up a proper templating thing and making it work both with and without JS is rather... well, sometimes it is not worth the effort for rather tiny percent
When I was still using umatrix, I just enabled first party JS and that worked perfectly fine for most stuff
I'll quite gladly see a no-js graph rendering thing that feels half as responsive as a JS page in regards to changing what is shown... and giving you nice hover-on info without giving you an HTML the size of a framework >_>
(uh, graph as in, chart, derp)
geoffo, barnaby and tbbrown joined the channel
You can run Plot client side or server side and get an SVG https://observablehq.com/collection/@observablehq/plot
gerben, gRegorLove_ and lanodan joined the channel