#dev 2022-12-19

2022-12-19 UTC
[iambismark] joined the channel
It’s a glorious time for a holiday project: figuring out how to publish a stream of twoot-sized updates to my own site, then using https://brid.gy to syndicate elsewhere Unsure of all the details but starting with these: https://mxb.dev/blog/syndicating-content-to-twitter-with-netlify-functions/ https://brid.gy/about#publishing:~:text=Publishing-,What%20do%20you%20mean%2C%20publishing%3F,-People%20often%20post
^ sounds like a 2023-commitment!
↩️ I just added "notes" to my site! I use http://webmention.app to send out mentions in my feed. To every "note", is attached a bridgy syndication mention that then syndicates to my other accounts! https://brid.gy/about#webmentions
↩️ I just added "notes" to my site! I use http://webmention.app to send out mentions in my feed. To every "note", is attached a bridgy syndication mention that then syndicates to my other accounts! https://brid.gy/about#webmentions
^ there you go, hey folks, who else here is going to make a /2023-01-01-commitment to add notes to their personal site? [KevinMarks]
Maybe, but I'm seeing my sons 20th to 28th, so that leaves 3 days
[tantek]: What sort of notes?
GWG, /note posts
you know, instead of posting them as primary content on Twitter
I have those.
So I wouldn't fit the bill.
GWG, right, hence I didn't tag you 🙂
But we have a few old-timers here who still haven't started posting notes to their personal sites yet
I'm close to finishing my syndication upgrade though. Then I'll likely move on to a redo of another of my things.
I'm in a make fixes cycle.
i've got multiple command line apps that want my site/endpoint URL and a token. i've got device flow for automating token generation but i'd like to kick off the process without having to ask for site URL. .dotfile or ENVVAR?
angelo: barnaby left you a message 2 days, 6 hours ago: agreed with [jacky], very nice wiki page, but jfyi I’m getting an HSTS expired cert error in firefox when trying to view https://lahacker.net/
angelo: [jacky] left you a message 2 days, 6 hours ago: this layout of your page is _nice_ https://indieweb.org/Canopy#short-hashes
I must have missed the big update from earlier in the week,though I keep hearing about administrators asking if anybody knows what to do when they start getting requests from law enforcement and what not.
<j​acky#7226> Angelo: I opt for environment files, easiest to stick into a little one off script or task without fiddling with the filesystem (depending on complexity)
jacky environment files? what do you mean by that? :) i've got CLI args (eg. --endpoint=...) but if i want to set and forget i'm thinking ~/.website or WEBSITE=
<j​acky#7226> Environment variables! Sorry, mobile makes me trust auto completion too much
[preview] [slightlyoff] share-button: A web component for sharing on infrequently.org
[KevinMarks] that looks like a minimal wrapper around a mini-share NASCAR widget, not anything actually interesting like a cross-site share button AKA webaction
"The important `::part()`s are: / `share-button` / `tweet-button` / `toot-button` / `copy-link-button` "
definitely... and if a photo, share to Pixelfed instead of share to Instagram,considering Instagram sort of killed their API.
aaronpk joined the channel
so that's not really useful. I mean whether you put those buttons directly in the HTML (e.g. via server-side template) or client-side web component, it makes no difference to the user experience
except the latter requires JS 😛 so [KevinMarks] his "share-button" is actually a regression in that regard. regressive enhancement
lqdev[m] and lqdev joined the channel
Hi folks,
Seems Loqi got ahead of me sharing that link. Anyway, I thought you all might find that interesting. Feedback and webmentions appreciated.
Long time listener, first time caller.
lqdev joined the channel
Welcome lqdev
Congrats on webmentions
Thanks! Took me a while mainly because everything was built from scratch but also because of some design decisions I look forward to sharing in a post later this week :)
sp1ff` joined the channel
↩️ Fun post, thanks for writing it up! You may also be interested in https://fed.brid.gy/
tiim, gerben, [fluffy], [arush], [marksuth] and [denschub] joined the channel
↩️ Nice idea for the times here. Hey @obryant666 have you though about integrating Webmention open standard? Would be nice to have unbundled discussion actually. Webmentions can be done client side too as @swyx figured out: https://www.swyx.io/clientside-webmentions
tiim and Jan-LukasElse[m] joined the channel
that share button works kinda nicely
sure, client-side but def works and would work on mobile
geoffo and gerben joined the channel
I saw that some microformats got added to the 11ty twitter archive tool. Curious if anyone here has reviewed the changes and has more to suggest
Still not finished, but got a test version of my Twitter archive built on the tool here - https://tweets.aramzs.com and adding a bunch of stuff, so looking for more candidates to add for an eventual PR to the original project.
Got search working there, which is a signficiant improvement over the original.
It involves an 11mb JSON file, but... this is intentially lo-fi and I didn't see a better way to do it with a static site
(would be very much open to suggestions there too)
gRegor, [will] and barnaby joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> Anyone know any good cloud providers with GPU-dedicated compute?
↩️ all big three, hetzner, vultr, linode, lambda, nvidia
so when i look at my profile on someone else's instance, it doesn't show that my website is verified. I do have the rel=me links set up, but how do I convince another server that my website is verified? https://indieweb.social/@aaronpk@aaronparecki.com
(link only works if you're logged in to indieweb.social)
I suspect that's a Mastodon-specific thing that you may not be able to inject/reproduce with pure AP
oh wait, i don't have rel=me in the activitypub json response...
i have it on the HTML version of both pages, but maybe it has to be in the JSON profile too
[manton] joined the channel
I’ve been meaning to figure this out too.
hm i dont think that helped
i did send out an Update too
I think Mastodon checks those links in the background, so not sure how long it would take to notice the change.
hm ok i'll check again later
I have a Python program that works locally but not on my server.
I've reinstalled dependencies. What else should I be thinking about?
have you checked that the same python is being used in both cases?
i.e. same version number, but also potentially same build (e.g. cPython vs pypy vs ironpython or whatever)
what kind of error are you getting?
<c​apjamesg#4492> It's a library error.
<c​apjamesg#4492> Let me retrieve it.
<c​apjamesg#4492> `TypeError: search() missing 3 required positional arguments: 'k', 'distances', and 'labels`
<c​apjamesg#4492> This is being returned from a library.
huh okay yeah that sounds like it’s buried deep in a library somewhere
<c​apjamesg#4492> The exact same function call works just fine on my local machine.
but following the traceback back to your own code might provide some hints
<c​apjamesg#4492> Let's see...
you could also do a pip freeze in both environments to directly compare versions
<c​apjamesg#4492> I seem to be using python3.8 on my server venv.
<c​apjamesg#4492> I'm using .9 locally.
definitely worth seeing if using the exact same version fixes it then
<c​apjamesg#4492> That didn't solve the problem.
capjamesg can you post the full stack trace?
comparing the exact version numbers of the installed dependencies would be my next step then
also barnaby's pip freeze idea is right. it's almost certainly a dependency version mismatch somewhere, that will find it
<c​apjamesg#4492> `snarfed` will do.
I have never seen this before.
Ah, it appears to be a conda issue.
This is a mess :D
It's still not working.
Are your local dependencies fully ina venv or is it using some other library paths?
It's a mess. They are everywhere.
This was a weekend hack so I didn't do things like a venv until after a little bit.
And I had to use conda because faiss needs it.
is local on pip? or conda?
oh. both?
looks like there's at least an unofficial pip package: https://pypi.org/project/faiss/
Ah, eek.
I think I know the issue. One moment.
It could be a pickle issue.
It was a pickle issue.
rejoices and also wonders where the last 2 hours went
TIL pickles don't open on every computer.
pickles are the worst
among other problems, they can embed hard-coded paths to source files and depend on those during unpickling
Therein may have lay my issue.
In related news I may, if I don't run into any infra scaling issues, be rebuilding IndieWeb search soon.
But that's a big if. [snarfed] I tried to ingest your blog from IndieWeb Search into my mock v2 and I could only get to 1k pages before running into issues.
Running a memory-intensive process + Elasticsearch at the same time = a big no no.
pablo1 joined the channel