#dev 2023-02-26

2023-02-26 UTC
[tantek] and geoffo joined the channel
[snarfed] curious where you saw evidence of parsing microsyntaxes being "brittle". So far I've had no problem with the regex + parsing I use for microsyntaxes in my auto_link and auto_tag functions
bterry, IWSlackGateway and [tantek] joined the channel
it's worked well enough that I'm thinking there's potential to write it up as a parsing spec
[KevinMarks] and gRegor joined the channel
Can't your just parse the HTML and use standard document wiry functions ?
microsyntax is not HTML
Call Diane better than side HTML attributes?
Aren't they embedded inside HTML attributes ?
Nah, plain text in content!
This is different from micro formats ?
[aciccarello] and [schmarty] joined the channel
I need a way to tell apart a mapping of alias -> url and tell the difference between a twtxt uri and an activity pub actor uri
any ideas? is there a convention?
petermolnar, IWSlackGateway, rocto, [tantek], [KevinMarks], lanodan, gRegor, mro, geoffo and bterry joined the channel
mro, AramZS and [felix_wenzel73] joined the channel
Hi, I am quite new to all this: I’ve managed to be able to post to Twitter via brid.gy. However, it just posts the title + the URL. How can I add context to this Tweet, like “check out this new post on my site”?
My website is spieltagsgedichte.de
[jacky] joined the channel
So, I have decentralize.dev (and decentralise.dev) they expire on Tuesday. Should I renew them? If so what should I put there?
mro, geoffo and [snarfed] joined the channel
What is decentralize?
decentralized is an adjective used to describe a system (often a network) where central authority is diminished, delegated, or possibly even eliminated (in that last case also known as fully decentralized or distributed) https://indieweb.org/decentralize
geoffo joined the channel
^ is that a useful enough redirect destination for those domains [KevinMarks]?
geoffo and pmlnr joined the channel
decentralized and distributed should not be mixed though -- they are very different distinct things IMO
AramZS joined the channel
↩️ Thanks very much.
prologic, tough to fight that. People have been using them interchangeably for years :/
And that's not even counting the past few years of crypumpto hijacking the term decentralized as an adjective for their scams
Well we have to! It's misleading ad hell yo Liz them and call one the outer and vice versa 😆
bterry joined the channel
Yup it's insanity and infuriates me 🤣
I'm a big proponent of true decentralized ecosystems as you might know 😆
That's also unrelated because the domains that Kevinmarks mentions and the page I suggested are both "decentralize"
Not this crypto / distributed hype 🤦‍♂️
Well distributed is its own thing that's related and that's fine
Glad I'm not alone in this 🙇‍♂️
All we can do is help make sure our uses of these terms are distinct in the indieweb wiki
You're definitely not alone
What is crypumpto?
cryptocurrency is a use of a proof of work blockchain to create exchange value, has been discussed at some IndieWebCamp sessions, and has in the past been used for personal tip page payments specifically using Bitcoin addresses https://indieweb.org/crypumpto
That dfn could use some more criticism up front
Anyway since none of us are actually bothering to build anything with crypumpto, we can take this to #indieweb-chat to vent or to #indieweb-meta to discuss how to improve the wiki
gRegor and AramZS joined the channel