#dev 2023-03-03

2023-03-03 UTC
kandr3s joined the channel
I remember hacking together a thing a while back, possibly with [benatwork], that used the camera API to estimate how far from the screen you were using facial recognition, and zoomed text accordingly, but I can't remember where I hosted it.
ullbeking and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> Interesting!
geoffo, [capjamesg] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
Does anyone know why a PWA icon would not show up on iOS?
[capjamesg]: [tantek] left you a message 1 week, 1 day ago: have you considered adding explicit tag (i.e. p-category and u-category) indexing (and results) to your IndieWeb Search site?
I have a manifest.json file but it isn't working as expected.
iOS expected an external resource.
Silly rule.
[capjamesg], [KevinMarks], angelo, [tantek], [jeremycherfas], [snarfed], sp1ff, IWSlackGateway, jjuran, Kaja, sivoais, klez_, saptaks, wagle, jan6, petermolnar, M85CD[m], jbrr[m], pmlnr1, [0x3b0b], jeremycherfas, lanodan, Skyther[d], chenghiz_, IWDiscordRelay, ben_thatmustbeme, chee, omz13, strugee, willnorris, voxpelli, GWG, Seirdy_, jbove, Zegnat, starrwulfe[m], mcint, aaronpk, Saphire, laker, joshproehl, benji, tommorris, sebsel, capjamesg, ancarda, Ruxton_, ullbeking, kandr3s, jonnybarnes, gerben, vladimyr, gxt__, rocto_, lockywolf, pharalia, oxtyped, lagash, aynish, oodani, benatkin, cambridgeport90[, cellular, BinarySavior, moose333, superkuh, prologic, oenone, ross[m]12, Xe, neatnik, totertats, rubenwardy, kushal, retronav, tiim, vikanezrimaya, srushe, eb, alecjonathon, rrix, [aciccarello]1, [tw2113_Slack_], jeremy, [tw2113_Slack_]2, mro, micheledm[m], mro_, [Murray], rokejulianlockha and geoffo joined the channel
Saw this and figure it has #indieweb-dev implications for folks building & setting up (admin tax) systems for others: https://mastodon.social/@mastohost/109952579426578392
[preview] [Masto.host] There is currently a DDoS attack going on in the Masto.host infrastructure.Some instances are affected. I am investigating and will report once I know more.
And possible cause: https://fosstodon.org/@kev/109953654645367614 (y'all might recognize that name)
[preview] [Kev Quirk] You probably had trouble accessing #Fosstodon for the last few hours. That's because we have (and still are) the target of a DDoS attack. Fosstodon was the target, but other Masto.Host customers were impacted because of it (sorry about that, folks!)U...
[jacky] joined the channel
Does LDN have a lot of implementations?
if you click through from the implementation report, it's not even clear most of those are still up (there were a bunch of GH libraries etc.)
I want to do more things with IndieWeb Utils. What problems could I solve?
those are currently very underimplemented
capjamesg, you could also take a look at /Vouch, it needs a fresh pair of development eyes to pick it apart and see if its use-cases resonate with your experience
What can I do there re: Salmentions?
implement them!
looking at https://indieweb.org/Salmention#IndieWeb_Examples , I bet only [aaronpk]’s is still currently running, if even that
Is that something that can be put into a library?
we haven't pushed very hard in general on displaying reply threads/trees cohesively, reliably, across sites
they're famously unreliable in the fediverse across instances. we could try to do better
Is this a front-end thing?
So I could have a function that takes in a list of h-entries, makes the requisite updates to nested comments, and returns the tree?
more than that, salmentions involve webmentions across sites
capjamesg, I think you could look into what would it take to support Salmentions on your site, and then work downward from there to see if you can identify a bit of portable/reusable code
tantek has 23 karma in this channel over the last year (80 in all channels)
capjamesg, I'm advocating for this as something I practice with my own site development. as a methodology, when I want to add a user feature to /Falcon I first brainstorm it on the wiki (on both its own page, and sometimes on related more general user feature pages) in the hopes that others looking to build that feature may find thoughts/ideas to re-use. Then when I build it, I try to push code which feels like others might find
useful into /CASSIS
<c​apjamesg#4492> I need to figure out how to build this first.
<c​apjamesg#4492> [snarfed] what do you mean?
<c​apjamesg#4492> I don’t have a good mental model for how this works.
capjamesg, you know when someone replies using their own blog to your post you display their reply on your blog?
geoffo joined the channel
and you know how if someone else replies using their own blog to that first someone, that first someone's reply on their blog shows the reply to the reply on their blog?
wouldn't it be cool if your original blog post both displayed the first someone's reply on your post like you do now, and the reply to that reply?
^ my attempt at summarizing the most common Salmention use-case in three questions
<c​apjamesg#4492> I see.
<c​apjamesg#4492> Is there an open source implementation?
<c​apjamesg#4492> Any language.
I agree with [snarfed], Salmention is a good place to explore improving solutions, more than Vouch.
though the interaction of the two would also be interesting to consider
mro joined the channel
Are there any pages with a Salmention example I could use in testing?
[preview] [Kevin Marks] @grantpotter @fncll @cogdog You could download the pages from Internet Archive and make a static version, and likely extract a lot of the content using the microformats markup that known published
geoffo and mro joined the channel
^ need to document this somewhere in the why microformats first before RSS documentation
[snarfed] / another Python dev: mind looking at this? https://gist.github.com/capjamesg/367a13099b56a9f35b3a5e2e4d22cee3
I'd appreciate feedback!
strugee and geoffo joined the channel
[capjamesg]: a) posts dont have to be h-entry.b) doc/type signature/code for get_nested_h_entry seems to be a bit confused - it produces a *list* of mf2 objects, doesn't it? c) it fetching content seems off, given you're supposed to have done initial validation already (and thus already fetched the post) once you call it, at least that's how I interpret it? d) only handles additions, not changes?
[schmarty] joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> sknebel Posts could be more than h-entry?
<c​apjamesg#4492> Like h-cite? Or they don't have to have a format at all?
generally yes h-entry. only rarely others like h-event, h-recipe, h-review etc. https://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2
geoffo and mro_ joined the channel
sknebel has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (47 in all channels)
It addresses all of those comments.
mro joined the channel
capjamesg, h-* though if it's not an h-entry that's VERY unusual and should assert a warning because it's more likely an error than an actual valid use of non h-entry in a Salmention context
geoffo joined the channel
Can someone look at my new code in the repo?
I think I have a more fully baked implementation.
[capjamesg] I'd recommend you try to use it either in unit tests or on a real site, with actual real salmentions in the wild
[snarfed] Is there a Salmention in the wild I can look at?
probably? check the wik
I guess I meant more to create salmentions in the wild, maybe
How do I do that?
reply to one of your posts then reply to that reply
mro and geoffo joined the channel
This is so hard.
[snarfed] Would you mind looking at my repo now?
I have put in what I think should constitute three HTML documents that would be a Salmention.
But I'm stuck at this stage. I have been working on this in the background for four hours.
sure! I can in a bit. fair warning though, I don't actually know that much about salmentions
just the use case 😁
[KevinMarks] aaronpk
I'd like to end up with a Salmention implementation that I could use.
And put in IndieWeb Utils.
Rather, this _is_ going in IndieWeb Utils. But I'm not sure I can move the needle anymore.
The function returns a list of all of the new replies between two documents, all of the Webmentions sent and their statuses to replies, and any URLs whose posts were deleted between both documents.
if you're looking for something to do while you wait for review(s), integrate this into a test site somewhere, post an original post, a reply, and a reply to the reply, all on that site, and try to get that salmention to work properly
that's probably more useful than reviewing the code in a vacuum 😁
I am burnt out on this for the time being.
Instead of making requests, I have 3 static files that I have been working from.
yup! which is good, but you'll eventually need to process webmentions as part of it too
sounds like time for a break!
My solution sends webmentions, too.
What processing needs to be done?