#dev 2023-04-08

2023-04-08 UTC
well i was able to move my twitter app into the new v2 project so maybe i won't lose my POSSE access?
but i won't be able to expand reply contexts anymore since that's not part of the free tier
how is Loqi getting tweet content for inclusion in chat and adding to pages with < < ?
still works for now
will stop working on apr 29 if not disabled sooner
oops i might have broken silopub after all
aaronpk yeah those endpoints in the free Twitter API tier were in the earlier announcement
Interesting, did silo.pub break because v2 project apps don't support 1.1?
v2 project apps do support 1.1, but I tried to switch the credentials silo.pub is using and then doing the oauth flow was failing
i tried switching it back, and the oauth flow is still failing
attempts to post
ok it still works, must have held on to the old tokens
i'm just not going to touch anything until someone else breaks it
soon enough
[asuh], geoffo, [marksuth] and IWSlackGateway joined the channel
That is an interesting piece.
lanodan and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
The weird part here is that the author kept saying lat, long and GPT ignored that and used long, lat which matched the data.
Seems like pure luck that they didn't get all the points plotted in Antarctica
[snarfed] Did the bsky API change?
*auth api
[snarfed] joined the channel
Yup it did
How does one auth now?
oops that's why my POSSE stopped working
wtf with these changes!
it's still in closed beta so this is the time
i don't know why this particular change is better than the old method but i'm sure someone had a reason
The create post has also changed.
"repo" is now the key instead of "did".
<c​apjamesg#4492> I’m almost done with what I wanted to build!
[schmarty] joined the channel
bterry joined the channel
follow pfrazee and whyrusleeping and other bluesky team members, join the matrix chat, they were talking about it a bit beforehand
Do they have an IRC / Discord?
^ matrix chat. I'm in it, I've been trying to find the address or whatever to post here, but I literally can't find it
jonnybarnes and [manton] joined the channel
I still think it’s time for Bluesky to ship to everyone. Or at least have a public roadmap so we know what to expect and when.
I'm glad they're going slow. the product is the protocol as much as - probably more than - the social app, and it's hard to change a protocol once there's a lot of usage, so this is the time to try hard to get that right
That’s true, but if it takes too long, it won’t matter how good the protocol is because everyone will have moved on. Finding the right balance is hard.
maybe. but we've seen that nothing lasts forever, and there's no single point in time for early mover advantage. MySpace => FB => IG => TikTok, etc
That’s fair.
I think the most compelling thing about Bluesky right now is their approach to identity. I hope that that can influence the direction of ActivityPub.
Secondary is having a more open client/server API, compared to Mastodon’s API.
I like BlueSky so far.
I don't use it very much, though. Network effects, etc.
yeah, first class support for both migration (data ownership) and "big world" indexing are key differentiators
"big world" indxeing?
just actual defined support for centralized data processing of any form, as opposed to nothing in AP and hostility culturally
In theory can I use the Bluesky client with my own server?
Then apply algorithmic ranking to what it returns for my timeline?
(i.e. filter out all Blueskys(?!) that contain the word "crypto")
That would be interesting.
They're specifically planning for pluggable ranking algorithms
Worth doing anything rn or best to wait?
> We’re developing a feed selection system that enables users to explore third-party feeds and access them as effortlessly as their home timeline.
"rn," maybe not, it's extremely early
At least for the "your own server" part. federation is still in progress, hasn't stabilized yet, no docs
benji_, [tantek], [chrisbergr] and bterry joined the channel
一個轉眼 Bridgy https://brid.gy/ 已經拔掉 twitter 的支援了(因為 Twitter API 方案改變的關係),所以 Webmention 就跟著...0rz 才剛整好就看到這個消息… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1644638454410809344
一個轉眼 Bridgy https://brid.gy/ 已經拔掉 twitter 的支援了(因為 Twitter API 方案改變的關係),所以 Webmention 就跟著...0rz 才剛整好就看到這個消息… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1644638454410809344