#dev 2023-04-13

2023-04-13 UTC
@bkil can you use <object> for that? It has the fallback behaviour you want I think
sorry that was for @epoch
object would be to embed something though, right?
if browsers were going to change to support what I'm thinking
could do it by putting <a> inside of <a> tags
but the inner ones would have type= attr set
not sure what browsers would do that now though
type probably wrong spot to put stuff
I guess it could be needed in some cases
like, gemini link, vs text/gemini over http vs some text/html conversion of the page over http
I guess it'like, <link rel="alternate"> but on the linking page instead of target page
geoffo joined the channel
<object> was originally designed for embedding non web content that the browser could potentially handle, and was coupled with the old code plugin model. These days you'd do that with a WASM version of the plugin code.
You may be able to do it with an iframe and a proxy server to remap the non-web content
a fallback behavior that browsers could do could be to look for alternatives to the unhandleable URI
people would probably want more metadata about the URLs in the returned list than just, the URL itself
I guess that's what HEAD reqeusts are for sometimes?
I could link to a text/uri-list just to annoy everyone
strugee, epoch, [Murray], Seirdy_, [0x3b0b], aynish, vladimyr, Jae-jae777tf[m], mambang[m], cellular, bkil, JaeItIts[m], micheledm[m], kandr3s, Gorro_Rojo[theyi and benatkin joined the channel
Re: YouTube feeds. A feed proxy seems like the right answer rather than adding to the burden/responsibility for Microsub implementations, which we already have too few of
In general treat proprietary feeds / APIs / extensions as something to be isolated & wrapped & converted to something standard to reduce proprietary tech leaking across implementations
<c​apjamesg#4492> [snarfed] https://github.com/trevorhobenshield/twitter-api-client
[preview] [trevorhobenshield] twitter-api-client: Complete implementation of the undocumented Twitter API
capjamesg ^ rate limited to 500 calls (or tweets) per endpoint per 15m, sadly
^ should be enough for a personal server for personal POSSE/backfired though right?
lol autocorrect
↩️ If only we had a way to integrate social media “comments” with our posts… Spoiler alert, we have that with webmentions, but it’s cumbersome to set up :/ Needs to be part of WordPress’ core and hook into the Fediverse at the same time.
Maybe? unofficial API, totally different schema, unknown stability, unknown/little used library, requires password, subject to the same kind of anti-bot detection that suspends people's accounts on other silos (eg IG)....no thanks
happy to advise anyone else who wants to build with it though!
geoffo and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
lol yes that sounds like a lot of hazards
haha yea no thanks
"tables suck, use div's" feels weirdly retro
Especially given that div cascade we saw the other day. Tables would never
so email has caught up to (checks notes) 2003?
That Word engine was older than the last one worked on wasn't it?
Email html is very "retro", yeah
geoffo joined the channel
[KevinMarks]: Note that CSS support in email is still spotty and scripting isn't allowed either, except for a bit of AMP: https://www.caniemail.com/
Oh, sorry, I see your article just repeats that, I thought it was something new or different.
It is unfortunate that caniemail only keeps track of the most popular clients. I would be curious to see a full overview of all existing and maintained email clients as well. Note that if you use legacy HTML tags instead of full blown CSS, you can render such rich formatted email using much lighter tools than embedding a full web browser: https://github.com/bkil/wiki/blob/master/en/widget-toolkit-html-rich-text.md
Is cloudless another way of saying bluesky?
What is cloudless?
It looks like we don't have a page for "cloudless" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "cloudless is ____", a sentence describing the term)
drmr joined the channel
to website / syndication would be quite useful for me I think. Is anyone aware of anything that might exist in this space already (on any kind of chat platform)?
Hey folks! I've been thinking of using an IM chat bot as a "micropub client" of sorts, to write posts kind of like how Loqi creates wiki pages. This is mainly to lower the friction for me for short-form posts so I can do things like share a link to a bot, then use emoji reactions to "tag" it, and it's done and dusted. Currently, I share things directly with people over chat anyway, so having one or more bots that "broadcast" those same things
There have been examples of that
What is PostrChild?
PostrChild is a suite of Micropub clients including a chatbot, browser extension and photo gallery creator https://indieweb.org/PostrChild
(also a few examples where I'm fairly sure it was just for the authors private use)
[preview] [dholms] They're different networks with very different tradeoffs. The team is aware of holochain & didn't think it was a great fit for what we were trying to accomplish. I would say that the primary difference is that we are trying to build a more "webby"...
<sknebel> "What is PostrChild?" <- Thanks a lot, exactly what I was looking for!
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
just got my first twitter app suspension email :(
hate to hear it, congrats :trollface:
what’s twitter? jk i’m still on it
indielogin.com is probably next
elret joined the channel
maybe maybe i can re-create it as a proper v2 app
elret, [aciccarello] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
I was also looking at https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/enterprise/account-activity-api/overview#comparison (free) as a possible way to keep single-user backfeed running
...but it's v1.1, so we expect it will get turned off on 4/29
i fully expect that date to keep getting pushed out, but yeah i don't think building anything new on the v1.1 API is a good long term plan
Ironically 4/29 is too many requests :P
(without the /)
aaronpk agreed on the date. most of us on https://twittercommunity.com/ are still morbidly curious and unsure of whether the 1.1 API itself will get turned off, or just the old access plans. consensus is the former but no one knows
elret joined the channel
aaronpk, got my second Twitter app suspension email, this one will cause me some work I expect
"This is a notice that your app - Falcon - has been suspended from accessing the Twitter API."
geoffo joined the channel
capjamesg, wanted to give you a heads up on a broken link to one of your pages from the wiki, but not sure my DMs make it through the layers of chat bridging. Shall I post here? It's a small thing
Sure, please post here drmr!
Thank you!
Basically, I was reading the wiki page on "likes", and noticed that jamesg.blog/likes/ redirects to LinkedIn, which I think you didn't intend, since so does jamesg.blog/li/, LI for LinkedIn, so was thinking it's a bug with the pattern
Today in weird bugs haha.
I don't post likes anymore on my site. I should link to https://jamesg.coffee instead.
drmr++ for making me aware of this issue!
drmr has 1 karma over the last year
While I'm at it with weird bugs, I noticed that the /magic link you sent in #indieweb sometimes puts a ".md" at the end of a link that 404s. 😅 This seems to happen mostly when you roll to pages that have a recent-ish date, so maybe connected to post age?
Hard to reproduce since it's random, but since I'm a magnet for bugs, I had it like 3 times in a row when I first tried lol
I thought today was a good day to refresh the search index. I thought I run the right script, but I don't think I did.
If you remove the .md the page will work haha.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
No worries! Yeah when I removed the .md it would take me to the right place. It's a really cool feature!
There is now a magic wand in my navigation bar that uses that page too.
I discovered your post on houseplants through that, which has been a recently growing interest of mine!
My houseplants are still going!
I need to re-pot my Monstera soon. It is getting really big!
Do you have a website drmr?
Oh sorry, this is Yousef, drmr is a misleading handle 😅
My recent horticultural adventures are here https://yousefamar.com/memo/projects/bonsai/
Ah, hey!
I'm not usually in these chats, but added them to matrix
capjamesg++ for cool stuff
capjamesg has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (85 in all channels)
Hope I did that right
You did indeed!