#dev 2023-04-15

2023-04-15 UTC
[fluffy] joined the channel
tantek has 27 karma in this channel over the last year (94 in all channels)
If they shut off 1.1 entirely, including account activity API, then yup Twitter automated backfeed is definitely lost
I think "there's no sensible way" is at least *partly* scale-dependent. Based on how little I post and how little interaction I expect back via Twitter, and from what I've been studying, I have a hypothesis I'm thinking of testing that I can build myself a backfeed using replit and the Filtered Stream endpoint, and exceeding the free quota would *for me* be an absolutely flabbergasting amount of interaction. I think that approach also
can't really practically backfeed likes, and possibly not quote tweets either. But considering I'm more interested in trying it to see whether I can make it work than because I actually care about the backfeed, well, whatever.
0x3bob the new free Twitter API allows no reads. none. zero. login and tweeting only
if Filtered Stream is part of the v1.1 API, then everyone's best guess is it'll get turned off on 4/29, or soon after
From what I can tell the login abilities are also uh. Not as advertised.
Nope, Filtered Stream is v2. The problem is inconsistency in the API dashboard and documentation.
At the very least I need to rework my login stuff to use the v2 API and I just can’t be bothered.
I mean I haven’t had a Twitter login since before March 15 (which is how far back my logs go) anyway
0x3bob oh interesting, so you plan to pay the $100/mo?
In particular, the fact that the dashboard has a tooltip that says "certain endpoints...have a limit on how many Tweets they can *pull* per month" above a bar that says "0 Tweets *pulled* of 1,500" (emphasis mine) and all the documentation I was looking at is talking about Essential and Elevated and Elevated+ Access, whereas I have - now that you prompted me to go looking - found exactly ONE place so far, in ALL of the developer
resource I've been looking at, that mentions that free access to v2 is "only tweet creation." Granted, said location is where the "New access levels - introducing new Essential and Elevated access to the Twitter API v2; Learn more" link takes me. But I hadn't *gone* there, because by the time I saw that link I had already been to https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweet-caps which I thought must be what it was talking
the docs on developer.twitter.com are a mess and totally inconsistent now, I wouldn't take anything there as gospel any more, sadly. their comms around the new API changes has been primarily on @TwitterDev and twittercommunity.com, notably https://twittercommunity.com/t/announcing-new-access-tiers-for-the-twitter-api/188728
they've been clear that the new free access tier is write and login only,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, no reads
specifically most of the dashboard, and anything that references essential or elevated, is old world and we expect it to die
Yeah, I hadn't started trying to build anything yet, and I would pretty much never wind up on a Discourse forum, let alone a Twitter account, looking for information until I had *failed* to get something working based on the documentation, unless the documentation site had a header to the effect of "we know our documentation is out of date, sorry, check the forums."
Maybe if it was pretty much anything except Discourse, but when I come across discourse, I generally turn around and go elsewhere until I'm pretty much desperate.
^ great default instincts, and was the right idea for Twitter too until the takeover. since then, Twitter has been a mess, default expectations sadly don't apply any more, their comms is a mess and not normal
geoffo joined the channel
Yeah, in retrospect I can see where I might should have expected that, but somehow I guess even with the hemorrhaging of their staff I expected that if they couldn't get the documentation updated to reflect the upcoming changes the one thing they would have managed to do was put a banner at the top of the documentation warning that it didn't reflect the upcoming changes
The funny thing is that I find myself annoyed by the inaccurate documentation and bummed by the fact that there's no point in trying to build the project, despite being pretty much completely indifferent to the actual inability to have backfeed.
yup, twitter is developer hostile now, removes pretty much any interest I have in building for it any more
geoffo joined the channel
The dark side of browser extension scraping
This extension used to be an innocuous video downloader thing, then racked up a lot of downloads, then was sold to someone who turned it into this
it automatically likes things on Facebook for you, theoretically in exchange for likes on your own posts
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
Chris-98, [marksuth], IWSlackGateway, jonnybarnes and [snarfed] joined the channel
may have found a partial way around the Twitter API apocalypse. Zapier has Twitter triggers and a webhook action that lets you pass through the raw JSON API responses
now to see if it survives past 4/29 or whenever
wonder if they're going to pay up
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
does a happy dance!
anthony1 joined the channel
What is an external link?
It looks like we don't have a page for "external link" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "external link is ____", a sentence describing the term)
geoffo, [timothy_chambe], IWSlackGateway, [TMichelleMoore], [chrisbergr], [pfefferle], [snarfed] and [tantek] joined the channel
To this day I haven't made an iOS app [tantek] :facepalm:
capjamesg, that's great about watching stanford's 193p! I believe that (193) may be the same number but there was a different letter of the course I took back in the day for building NeXTStep apps
though this is not IndieWeb specific so I should actually take it to #indieweb-chat
[KevinMarks] and geoffo joined the channel
[snarfed] It looks like my feed in Granary isn't loading properly? https://jamesg.blog
Still broken :(
pharonix71 and strugee_ joined the channel
geoffo joined the channel