#dev 2023-04-21

2023-04-21 UTC
delivering to just the in-reply-to instance is by design, and I believe specified by AP, replies aren't delivered to all followers
except I'd expect also @-mentions (which I know I need to file a feature request issue for in general)
snarfed, point being, you should now have enough data to file a bug on Mastodon that it doesn't handle "update" activities properly which add an in-reply-to
since I just sent one via Bridgy Fed, and the post it's in reply to (https://mastodon.social/@john_fisherman/110224246899618915) still doesn't display it as a reply (note that the author of that post like & reposted the previous iteration which he probably saw it somehow, from someone else's repost or perhaps from the #btconf hashtag
[preview] [Fred Rocha] We finished #btconf last night talking about the discoverability of personal websites with @sophie and @nickautomatic. It turns out it's hard to be read, even if you have captivating and original content. Reply to this post with your personal url and...
ok I'll try one more reply before giving up on Masto replies (and do fake Masto quote posts instead)
[aciccarello] joined the channel
oh hey I just discovered my auto-linker / footnoting handles video embeds in footnotes 🙂
BridgyFed has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (8 in all channels)
reply worked! scroll to the bottom of https://mas.to/@pierce/110231624819547202 to see my reply there. BridgyFed++
[preview] [David Pierce] I wrote about ActivityPub, and why Elon Musk might have saved social networks by buying Twitter — just not at all in the way he meant to https://www.theverge.com/2023/4/20/23689570/activitypub-protocol-standard-social-network
There's another datapoint for you [snarfed] (compared to the one that failed). I guess I'll keep doing replies to Masto posts via BridgyFed and seeing what happens!
geoffo, gerben and pharonix71 joined the channel
yeah adding reply-to to a post that didn't have it originally is very unusual, I doubt any current AP implementations do that, and probably not many handle it
hell, I doubt many or any indieweb tools handle it either. Bridgy classic definitely doesn't!
[tantek] I'd be interested to hear about any existing services that let you convert original posts to replies like this retroactively, how they work, etc
(beyond individual indieweb sites)
[jeremycherfas]1, [kimberlyhirsh], [capjamesg], [aciccarello], [pfefferle], [Jo] and geoffo joined the channel
[snarfed] I don't know of any existing services, however it's been possible since Atom with link rel=in-reply-to, and adding / removing such a link
capjamesg indeed. Maybe XMPP should have built on IRC instead of starting from scratch with XML?
IWSlackGateway, [Jo], geoffo, [tantek], [snarfed], [manton] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[preview] [snarfed] #490 wm => AP: handle converting from note/article to reply? [blocked on precedent]
[schmarty], [kimberlyhirsh], [jacky], motheki, [tw2113_Slack_], gRegor and ShoesNSocks joined the channel
just started trying out webmentions. this is so easy! I thought it would be highly complicated but sending webmentions is so simple!! mad.
motheki joined the channel
indeed 🙂
[marksuth] joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> [Jo]++
[Jo] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
[jeremycherfas] and geoffo joined the channel
this reminds me of commentparade but specifically for Mastodon (in a way) https://toot.kytta.dev/
isn't that just a posting client? it makes you log in with your own mastodon account
yeah ha
yeah it's like the twitter share button where you can prefill text to make someone post to their account
(was looking for something to use for https://cfaworkersunited.com/ and came across that)
if more things accepted WM, it wouldn't even matter tbh
just publish and send!
[snarfed] sorta, that's only steps 3 and 4 😂
actual steps:
1 publish https://tantek.com/2023/109/t1/ as a reply, attempt to federate, get a weird broken create reply object, that's issue https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/487
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] @fredrocha.net (@john_fisherman@mastodon.social) saw your post (https://mastodon.social/@john_fisherman/110224246899618915) from the #IndieWeb stream. Beautiful photos on your site! #btconf was great wasn’t it? My personal URL is https://tantek.co...
That reminds me to write up my experiences activity pub
2. I removed the in-reply-to from https://tantek.com/2023/109/t1/ and repinged BF to see if that would publish it, and it did, however, since it was sent as an "update", none of the hashtags in the post got indexed by any of the receiving Mastodon instances (Mastodon bug with handling "update" activities)
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] @fredrocha.net (@john_fisherman@mastodon.social) saw your post (https://mastodon.social/@john_fisherman/110224246899618915) from the #IndieWeb stream. Beautiful photos on your site! #btconf was great wasn’t it? My personal URL is https://tantek.co...
3. I changed its slug from nothing (https://tantek.com/2023/109/t1/) to https://tantek.com/2023/109/t1/btconf-personal-url-fediverse-feed and repinged BridgyFed, which was enough to trick BF into thinking it was federating a new post, so it sent a "create" activities for this post (a note), which then "worked" to publish a note with hashtags indexed by the receiving Mastodon instances (thus changing a slug being a workaround for
Mastodon bug mentioned in 2. above)
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] @fredrocha.net (@john_fisherman@mastodon.social) saw your post (https://mastodon.social/@john_fisherman/110224246899618915) from the #IndieWeb stream. Beautiful photos on your site! #btconf was great wasn’t it? My personal URL is https://tantek.co...
4. I re-added in-reply-to to https://tantek.com/2023/109/t1/btconf-personal-url-fediverse-feed like https://tantek.com/2023/109/t1/ originally had, and repinged BridgyFed, testing to see if somehow BridgyFed would send an "update" activity and Mastodon would notice the change (that the post was now in-reply-to) and properly thread it. Mastodon did no such thing.
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] @fredrocha.net (@john_fisherman@mastodon.social) saw your post (https://mastodon.social/@john_fisherman/110224246899618915) from the #IndieWeb stream. Beautiful photos on your site! #btconf was great wasn’t it? My personal URL is https://tantek.co...