#dev 2023-05-24
2023-05-24 UTC
pharonix71, [snarfed], gRegor and greglopez joined the channel; greglopez left the channel
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> This is cool: https://developer.chrome.com/blog/introducing-popover-api/
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> I wonder how this differs from the dialog element.
[KevinMarks] I have a wrapper in mention.tech for internet archive too, which breaks relative links - that can sometimes be handy for sites that load annoying cruft, though it can sometimes lose the CSS too
gRegor and rocto joined the channel; kandr3s left the channel
[KevinMarks] https://bsky.link/ is 502 today
rocto joined the channel
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> What could have happened?
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> [KevinMarks] rebooted.
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> Here was the error:
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> at Template.render (/home/james/bsky-link-preview/node_modules/nunjucks/src/environment.js:454:10) |
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> /home/james/bsky-link-preview/app.js:145 |
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> ^ |
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> if (reply.post.author.handle != author_handle) { |
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> |
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'author')
vladimyr Case of missing reply?
holiday_medley joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Do you have the url that broke it?
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> No 😦
geoffo and greglopez joined the channel
[schmarty] aaronpk: got a moment to peek at https://github.com/indieweb/representative-h-card-php/pull/6 and cut a representative-h-card-php minor revision? 😅
[schmarty] 🙏
[schmarty] amazing! aaronpk++
[schmarty] applied to the webring :}
[schmarty] aaronpk++ thank you both gRegor++
gRegor joined the channel
[KevinMarks] I think killing the whole app for an unhandled promise rejection is in a recent node version
rubenwardy instead you get sql injection
[schmarty] s/isn't really/doesn't have to be/
[schmarty] plenty of ways not to wreck yourself with SQL in PHP but also plenty of "learn to PHP code" that's like `'INSERT ...' . $_POST['email_address'];`
mretka[p] joined the channel
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> PDO?
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> [KevinMarks] it feels brittle.
mretka[p] joined the channel; mretka[p] left the channel
[KevinMarks] We need to add .`catch` after `.then`
[Ana_R] joined the channel
gRegor [tantek], https://imgflip.com/i/7mzpj0
sp1ff and KoolRocker12 joined the channel
vladimyr Express doesn't play well with promises/async-await
vladimyr You need to either manually wrap all your route handlers into try/catch blocks and propagate errors using next(err) invocations
vladimyr Or simply add https://github.com/davidbanham/express-async-errors
vladimyr Under the hood it simply wraps all your handlers using https://github.com/davidbanham/express-async-errors/blob/master/index.js#L14-L26
vladimyr Also these days it is preferable to use something platform agnostic like npm.im/hono or npm.im/h3 (that powers Nuxt)
geoffo joined the channel
geoffo joined the channel
[tantek] !tell capjamesg during HWC you asked how I markup (or should) the virtual headings I have for Glossary and References and I noted they are plain text. The longer answer is, they’re a part of "block level" auto-markup (in contrast to inline level auto-linking etc.), and I have some ideas for that in the latter part of the table in https://tantek.com/w/Markdown#BeforeandAfter
bkil [tantek]: After some more research I finally found a plausible explanation why _underscore_ is synonymous with emphasis and usually italicized in Markdown. Basically, emphasis is usually rendered in books in italics as it is easier to read and less obstructive, less harsh than underlines. At the same time, italics are much more difficult to reliably produce in handwriting and on early typewriters, hence why in the manuscript they just substituted underlines for
bkil the editor.
bkil After poking around some more on textfiles, I found some weird conventions, like *** WARNINGS *** that were capitalized and surrounded by one, two or three asterisk depending on how strong they should be taken. Note how the stars were separated by a space from the marked phrase itself. Kind of makes me want to bulk download the whole data set to do some stats on it, but probably wouldn't be worth the effort.
bkil By the way, I also depict emphasis with underline on my Wiki viewer to make it compatible with Opera Mini as it can't render italic fonts. https://bkil.gitlab.io/static-wonders.js/userjs/wiki.c2.html