#Loqi[preview] [capjamesg] #59 Update manifest to allow PWA support
#[KevinMarks]Is vector search the same as embedding?
#[snarfed]progress on expanding Bridgy Fed to work both directions. getting close to supporting arbitrary sites, without the well-known and webfinger redirects, on the http://fed.brid.gy domain instead of the site's domain
geoffo, jjuran, ahappydeath, sp1ff, IWSlackGateway, chenghiz_, [KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
#[tantek][snarfed] [KevinMarks] sounds like the challenge of good error/failure UX
#[tantek]when things go wrong, providing a meaningful & actionable error message, and preferably quick links/buttons for the user to take action accordingly (better than abort, retry, ignore 😛 )