#dev 2023-06-10
2023-06-10 UTC
vladimyr [tantek]: Matthew Wise is author of self-hostable blogging platform havenweb - https://github.com/havenweb/haven
vladimyr They gave lightning talk about it on last year's libreplanet conf http://techrights.org/2022/04/03/matthew-wise-on-haven/
vladimyr Same vid is available from frama peertube instance https://framatube.org/w/3zU6um3C5mj7oXDeumkdz8
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Haven" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Haven is ____", a sentence describing the term)

vladimyr In terms of technology here is what they say in their Show HN ann https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26013717
vladimyr > There’s nothing new here in terms of technology--server-side rendered web pages using Ruby on Rails, no javascript frameworks, RSS using HTTP basic auth. But also no analytics libraries or ad-tracking. Pages are lightweight and load really fast. I’ve even provided a limited ability to add custom CSS so you can really make your page your own.
vladimyr I guess basic auth is protected posts part
vladimyr And as they admit down in the thread support for authenticated rss endpoints across rss readers isn't that great: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26014156
vladimyr I don't see any IndieWeb stuff but I haven't looked into the code yet
vladimyr What I found is this article on Webmentions on their blog https://havenweb.org/2023/04/10/private-comments.html
gRegor joined the channel
[tantek] didn't find anything in Haven issues either, except for a postponement of support for TicketAuth: https://github.com/havenweb/haven/issues/29

vladimyr a month ago Jim Nielsen proposed new .well-known URI for personal avatars https://mastodon.social/@jimniels/110333956499414771
Loqi [preview] [Jim Nielsen] Proposal to make a new .well-known URI for personal websites that surfaces your avatar, e.g.https://www.jim-nielsen.com/.well-known/avatar

vladimyr reading through fedi comments I spotted this gem https://fediverse.zachleat.com/@zachleat/110418825853810681
Loqi [preview] [Zach Leatherman] @jimniels relatedly, @eleventy has an indieweb-avatar service that solves some of this with app icons: https://www.11ty.dev/docs/services/indieweb-avatar/

vladimyr demo of all 11ty.dev services is available here: https://api-explorer.11ty.dev/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zachleat.com%2Fweb%2Flighthouse-deception%2F
vladimyr dunno but I can think of two reasons: 1) they might not be aware of rel mechanism 2) contrary to rel-s it doesn't require html parsing?
vladimyr I mean yeah, there is HTTP Link header but setting that up is kinda tricky and not always allowed
[aciccarello] joined the channel
[aciccarello] I think one of the comments mentioned an existing well-known based avatar spec
[aciccarello] Clearly not well known enough 😉
vladimyr existing well-known avatar spec, you mean webfinger with profile photo?
[aciccarello] It was probably that one
[marksuth], geoffo and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
capjamesg I have been polishing the IndieWeb Utils docs: https://github.com/capjamesg/indieweb-utils
capjamesg Or, rather, the README.
pharalia, eitilt1, bterry1, ahappydeath and geoffo joined the channel
[snarfed] found a problem with the proposed identity mappings between protocols in https://fed.brid.gy/docs#translate : if you have the same domain as your handle on multiple protocols, which is likely to happen - eg http://snarfed.org is my web site, my Bluesky handle, and my Nostr NIP-05 domain - the current proposal is that they all appear in the fediverse as the same handle, @snarfed.org@fed.brid.gy , with no way to disambiguate that
geoffo joined the channel