#dev 2023-06-22
2023-06-22 UTC
nertzy, nertzy_, bterry and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[aciccarello] For easy static sites, I think Glitch has a good free tier now. It'd be easy to have a starter someone could fork. I haven't tried it thought.
vladimyr [tantek]'s question on [timothy_chambe]'s research about how are scraped fedi accounts from Twitter bios classified prompted me to do a little curl experiment: https://ttm.sh/BcS.sh
vladimyr That's how you can determine which software is powering given fedi account
vladimyr First you need to webfinger given account, then you need to find domain hosting actor's activity stream
vladimyr Then you need to locate nodeinfo for given domain using well-known uri
vladimyr And finally extract software name from nodeinfo json
vladimyr In this case it simply returns bridgy-fed
vladimyr Fixed sed incantation https://ttm.sh/BcW.sh 🙃
vladimyr Might be interesting to build an API that would provide this info 💡
gxt__, btrem, kushal, gRegor, gRegorLove_, jcbmllgn, nertzy_, holiday_medley, tei_ and [Jo] joined the channel
Loqi pin13 is a collection of tools that aid in IndieWeb-friendly web development, including microformats parsing, character counting, JSON prettifying, and number converting https://indieweb.org/pin13

IWSlackGateway, [Ana_R] and bret_ joined the channel
capjamesg From where does the name pin13 come?
[schmarty] joined the channel
[schmarty] capjamesg: Arduino development boards (aimed at making embedded programming easier) come with an LED installed on pin number 13. making the LED on pin13 blink is usually the "hello world" Arduino project.

gRegor and [tantek] joined the channel
lanodan, btrem and [tantek] joined the channel
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
tei_ joined the channel
capjamesg Interesting!
vladimyr [tantek]: are you suggesting that I create suite of (fedi related) webtools like aaronpk did? :)
vladimyr But then I need to come up with equally cool domain 🙃
[timothy_chambe] joined the channel
[timothy_chambe] Sparked by discussions here: A mastodon compatible group for working on a robust test suite for ActivityPub: https://twitter.com/tchambers/status/1671547617895907337
vladimyr Which is way harder than convert that curl snippet into lambda
vladimyr [timothy_chambe]: did you paste wrong link?
vladimyr I really like capjamesg's 's domains!
[snarfed] joined the channel
[schmarty] vladimyr: i have a cautionary tale for domains where the end result is i have a bunch of IndieWeb services at bayside.pub all named after characters from Saved By the Bell. https://indieweb.org/User:Martymcgui.re#Code_%2F_Services

capjamesg vladimyr what would the site do?
vladimyr I have embarrassing confession to make 🙈 I never actually bought domain
vladimyr capjamesg: return info about software powering given fedi account
capjamesg Hm! feditools.link?
tei_ and tei_1 joined the channel
vladimyr I had to google up HWC 🙈
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Tim Bray now has grey text disease

vladimyr feditools.link hmm
vladimyr Not sure, cool name but tld kinda feels wrong
vladimyr I mean it doesn't really link to anything
Loqi Homebrew Website Club is a growing world-wide network of meetups for everyone who wants to take back their web experience from social media silos, and own their online identities & content, or just want support with blogging! https://indieweb.org/hwc

[KevinMarks] How about .info then?

capjamesg feditools.dev?
vladimyr .info or .dev does sound nice!
capjamesg 😬
vladimyr Lol, nice domain hack
vladimyr Although I'm not really sure I want to call it fedi-tools when I have exactly one idea for fedi tool :D
vladimyr At least for now 🙃
capjamesg feditool doesn’t have the same ring to it 🙈
vladimyr Indeed :D I need to think of more tools!
capjamesg gRegor we are really trying: https://indieweb.org/days_since_last_domain_purchase_at_HWC
capjamesg 1 month and counting I believe!
capjamesg genzipsum really reads like gen zip sum.
capjamesg It should be genz ipsum.
capjamesg Autocorrect really didn’t like that 🤣
tei_1 joined the channel
vladimyr I give up, if anyone has idea for useful fedi tool feel free to bug me to implement it simply because feditools.dev has better ring to it!
vladimyr f3di.tools? :D
[schmarty] feditool.tools obvs 😂

vladimyr Well deserved [schmarty]++
capjamesg 🤣
capjamesg tools.feditool.tools
capjamesg my.tools.feditool.tools
vladimyr goes back to hiding in the bushes
capjamesg The possibilities!
vladimyr fed.itoo.ls?
capjamesg Say that out loud 😅
[schmarty] i had a lab computer in undergrad named "itool". because i had to come up with a name to get it installed and online, i felt pressed for time. itool stands for "i'll think of one later".

vladimyr Did I accidentally said something nasty in Swedish?
Ruxton, tei_, btrem and holiday_1 joined the channel
[timothy_chambe] Totally pasted the wrong link above, when talking about a new #ActivityPub Test Suite mastodon group. Here is the real link I meant to send on:
[timothy_chambe] https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/110588820923201272
Loqi [preview] [Tim Chambers] For everyone in #ActivtyPub #ActivityPubDev #SocialWG space: we created this mastodon-compatible Frenidica group for discussing the build-out of a robust ActivityPub test suite, akin to http://webmtion.rocks and the now gone activitypub.rocks...Just ...

tei_1 and wagle joined the channel