#dev 2023-06-24

2023-06-24 UTC
OPTIONS sip:100@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-1431521798;rport Content-Length: 0 From: "sipvicious"<sip:100@>;tag=3264346636316565633965660132363431393139393235 Accept: application/sdp User-Agent: Trixbox To: "sipvicious"<sip:100@> Contact: sip:100@ CSeq: 1 OPTIONS Call-ID: 553084020644157828990599 Max-Forwards: 70
OPTIONS sip:100@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-2137043833;rport Content-Length: 0 From: "sipvicious"<sip:100@>;tag=3264346636316565633966300131323934373732323835 Accept: application/sdp User-Agent: Trixbox To: "sipvicious"<sip:100@> Contact: sip:100@ CSeq: 1 OPTIONS Call-ID: 1133798902427365608470386 Max-Forwards: 70
laker joined the channel
for the JavaScript inclined https://github.com/legastero/stanza (a XMPP client API that lets you write the bodies in JSON instead of XML)
[preview] [legastero] stanza: Modern XMPP, with a JSON API
vilhalmer joined the channel
well that's weird
u ok Loqi
jacky, would that be JSPP?
[tw2113_Slack_] and bkil joined the channel
[preview] [TodePond] DreamBerd: perfect programming language
[preview] [mcc] I think the best way to comment on Lemmy is to have an account on one of the Lemmy-frontend instances. I don't know of a better way to do this right now than to look under "Popular" (not under "Recommended") on https://join-lemmy.org/ . lemmy.blahaj.... https://files.mastodon.social/media_attachments/files/110/595/515/265/441/677/original/5dec8288b7835b29.png
IWSlackGateway joined the channel
That weird icon points to actual actpub Note/Post uri
Same like they do here at the end of each post https://blog.mymath.rocks/2023-06-10/BIN5_A_Renderable_Conversation
That is a good domain name!
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
It didn't work for the posts I tried, but that may be variation in the implementation or blocking
[snarfed] joined the channel
^ that interop point highlights another drawback of the fediverse right now: _functionality_ isn't portable across instances. if you want to stream video, you have to use an owncast instance. if you want to fully participate in discussion forums, you have to use a kbin or lemmy instance. and then you'll have a different identity on each one, etc
again due to the fact that identity in AP isn't portable or composable enough. with a different protocol design, Lemmy, OwnCast, etc could all let you bring your own account and use all of them with that one single account
(maybe this is theoretically possible in AP now because it doesn't specify authn/z, and the fediverse just hasn't implemented it in practice? not sure)
This is where I feel that we could maybe pick. Up some of this slack with our wiki and fill in alternatives to the webfinger rathole
[snarfed]: I dont think that needs different protocol design or auth. There is nothing in the protocol stack that prevents a "one identity, multiple frontends" design - if anything the (unused) C2S API points to initial ideas to do it that way
agreed! hence "just hasn't implemented it in practice"
how much you can do with the current client APIs I dont know, but I wouldn't be surprised if you could make a Mastodon client that does support lemmy-esque discussions properly
(browser extension might make sense, interact inline while browsing other instances. which somehow hasnt seen much attention yet, or I havent heard about it)
maybe! but that's not true for all AP/AS2 functionality, eg live streaming, events
vladimyr, btrem, angelo, Xe, bterry1, ben_thatmustbeme and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
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