#[tantek]what is Error establishing a database connection
#LoqiError establishing a database connection is a common error message often shown as big bold text on sites (often WordPress, nearly daily across sites) that have experienced a loss of connection between their web server (software) and their database server (software) https://indieweb.org/Error_establishing_a_database_connection
sebbu, sivoais, holiday_1, holiday_medley, tei_, AramZS and geoffo joined the channel
#r0ss.mehi all - can anyone point me to the current process for getting a client\_id registered for indielogin? I saw a few Github issues but didn't know if that was still the preferred way - thanks!
#aaronpk@r0ss.me: the indielogin.com website is for indieweb community sites like the wiki, but you are more than welcome to run an instance of it for your own use https://github.com/aaronpk/IndieLogin.com
#Loqi[preview] [aaronpk] indielogin.com: Sign in with your domain name
#r0ss.meah right - thanks for the heads up - will go and do some reading on that
tei_, btrem, [tw2113_Slack_], bret, tei_1, geoffo, angelo, Xe and [fluffy] joined the channel
#[fluffy]It’s usually a better idea to try supporting IndieAuth directly though
#[fluffy]there’s a number of IndieAuth client libraries out there you can use for that