[manton]Has anyone done any old-school, Netscape-style bookmarks.html files but adding MF2? I’m working on a bookmarks export in HTML and it has a basic list with links, and I noticed that Pocket adds a “time_added” attribute (unix seconds), so I thought I’d support that + maybe add “dt-created” and “datetime”. (“dt-published” seems wrong for bookmarks)
Zegnathttps://twitter.com/LeaVerou/status/1652806575973605378 I am clearly late on this, but interesting thread on using a public repo for your blog and the problems of doing that when not everything that is part of your blog is supposed to be public.
capjamesgTechnically almost all of the code is available: the static site generator itself is in a different, public repository (although that version is a bit behind); most content is available publicly.
cobypear, eitilt, pharalia and Soni joined the channel
havenmattHey everyone, I'm trying to build an IndieAuth provider and I'm a bit confused on the spec for access token responses: https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#x5-3-3-access-token-response The spec describes responding with access_token, me, profile, expires_in, and refresh_token; but the example below shows a response including token_type and scope which aren't mentioned in the previous section. Any advice?