#dev 2023-07-30
2023-07-30 UTC
tei_, tei_1, geoffo, gRegor, benatkin, btrem and dominik joined the channel
# rubenwardy How much of a problem is it to only support atom feeds and not RSS feeds? A lot of people talk about RSS but I'm unsure as to whether they specifically mean RSS or include Atom and JSONFeed
# rubenwardy what is RSS
# Loqi RSS is an acronym for a set of XML feed file format variants used for syndicating time-stamped content from web sites like blogs and podcasts, and sometimes a shorthand for feed file formats as a whole including Atom, or even more broadly for the concept of feeds or syndication in general https://indieweb.org/RSS
[capjamesg] joined the channel
# [capjamesg] [KevinMarks] I made the link thing we discussed:
tei_ joined the channel
# [KevinMarks] Ooh, that's neat
# [KevinMarks] Rubenwardy: It is a bit confused - by default RSS has some ambiguities about what works, and some RSS feeds include Atom via xmlns to gain Atom features. Also, lots of feeds are not very well made. Any well established feed consumer will handle both, Atom is more predictably defined for pagination and the difference between summary and content.
# rubenwardy I've noticed that a lot of feeds don't contain any thumbnail images... quite annoying when making a feed reader
# capjamesg [KevinMarks] it is on GitHub.
# capjamesg https://github.com/capjamesg/linkaside.js
# [KevinMarks] The original spec only had an image for the feed as a whole, not per post images
# capjamesg [KevinMarks] I am now running https://jamesg.blog/lp/outgoing_links?urls=https://jamesg.blog which uses the indieweb_utils.get_reply_context() function behind the scenes
jonnybarnes and geoffo joined the channel
# capjamesg What are the best practices for monitoring three servers running various web services?
btrem, ancarda and angelo joined the channel
# [snarfed] reminds me of RFC5005, eg https://github.com/snarfed/granary/issues/152
# [jeremycherfas] Good to know.
jjuran, angelo and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
tei_, eitilt, tei_1 and btrem joined the channel
# Zegnat Well, JSON5 is not so bad, compared to some of the stuff I collected in the See Also section ... https://indieweb.org/JSON#See_Also
IWSlackGateway joined the channel
# Zegnat Mmm. Looks like it is now https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/datapower-gateway/2018.4?topic=20-jsonx
tei_1 joined the channel
gRegor joined the channel