#dev 2023-09-06

2023-09-06 UTC
[tw2113_Slack_], sp1ff, btrem, IWSlackGateway1, [tw2113_Slack_]1 and [Ana_R] joined the channel
gxt joined the channel
> Nats said the failure was due to “an extremely rare set of circumstances” with two identically named but separate waypoint markers outsidethe UK’s airspace – a scenario that has not occurred in more than 15m flight plans previously processed in the five years that the current system has operated.
There is a typo in there 😄
That is strange.
oodani, [jgarber], gerben, btrem, gxt and [jacky] joined the channel
I've gotten Koype (the Micropub server logic) working such that it can be run as a daemon process interacted with a CLI or from a Web server that speaks the HTTP API but I'm also looking into getting it working over some other protocols in a RPC kind of way
Long term goal: move more of the standards over such a bridge to slowly break the dependency on HTTP(S). The first most likely native bridge will be to Tor!
btrem, pharalia and btrem1 joined the channel
Weird question: if I want to change the URL I use to log into my indieweb dot org account how do I say 'I signed in with X now I'm signing in with Y' and retain the account connection?
[schmarty] joined the channel
there is nothing in the protocol that supports that, and also nothing on the wiki
but you can just rename your user page once you sign in