#dev 2023-09-24

2023-09-24 UTC
[tw2113] joined the channel
not relevant to our events.indieweb.org, but I am 90% of the way through adding passkey login to meetable!
i'm not going to launch it on ours because we do SSO via indieauth, but it will be nice for the base meetbale to have a self-sufficient login method that isn't passwords!
hm passkey logins for indieauth would be cool. as in like, on the personal website side.
idk how to implement tho
yeah i'd like to get it into my website too
I'm not sure why, but I still don't get passkeys
you....shall not....passkey
sorry, had to misquote Gandalf
I finally think I understand IndieAuth...so progress
well that was a productive day
aaronpk has 40 karma in this channel over the last year (109 in all channels)
I just launched it on events.oauth.net and it is very cool
gerben joined the channel
Awesome! aaronpk++
aaronpk has 41 karma in this channel over the last year (110 in all channels)
IWSlackGateway and [snarfed] joined the channel
[catgirlinspace] hmm maybe! I suspect the domain thing is because _actor ids_ are on http://fed.brid.gy, not where webfinger is served
since webfinger is served from your domain, it just redirects to BF
unless firefish is both preferring webfinger domain to AP actor domain and detecting and discarding the webfinger redirect, which both seem unlikely
gxt and [catgirlinspace] joined the channel
mhm, thinking it uses the actor domain(?)
right, not webfinger
but regardless yeah it's an unfortunate wart
esp since @-@ is webfinger, and webfinger is correctly serving from your domain (via a redirect, but still), so it should use the webfinger address. sigh
[preview] [orithena] #7922 Wrong account names of users of Mastodon instances where WEB_DOMAIN != LOCAL_DOMAIN
[jeremycherfas], ramsey, Hii, benji, geoffo, [Ana_R], [capjamesg], lqdev, [schmarty], nertzy, AramZS, bterry and [tantek] joined the channel
[schmarty]++ nice map update post!
[schmarty] has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (52 in all channels)
bterry, btrem, [KevinMarks] and [nsmsn] joined the channel
I updated my website for the first time in a long time, and wanted to make sure my hCard is valid. Is there a good way to check?
what is IndieWebify?
Indiewebify.me is a service that checks how indieweb-compatible your site is and reports back its results; the verb indiewebify also means the act of making your site more IndieWeb friendly https://indieweb.org/Indiewebify
ah that definition could be more explicit about things it checks
Indiewebify.me can't find it for some reason. Anyone mind inspecting my code? Its in <div class="h-card, vcard, p-author wp-block-template-part"> inside the website footer: https://nicksimson.com/
Does it have the comma? I think multiple classes are usually just separated with spaces
classes are space separated, so that means that class attribute has class names of "h-card," and "vcard," and "p-author" and "wp-block-template-part"
so there is no h-card on that div as a result
is that worth checking for in the validator and warning?
haven't seen commas in a class attribute like that before. did that come from a code example on another page?
not fully indieweb relevant, but I got a small piece of Bluesky on Bridgy Fed working end to end: search for @jay.bsky.team@atproto.brid.gy in any fediverse server. it surfaces their Bluesky profile. replace jay.bsky.team with any Bluesky handle
[snarfed]++ for discovery++
[snarfed] has 105 karma in this channel over the last year (159 in all channels)
discovery has 1 karma over the last year
Thanks, streety and tantek, that was it.
streety has 1 karma over the last year
[tantek] has 31 karma in this channel over the last year (103 in all channels)
@[tantek] I have no idea why I typed those commas in the WordPress site editor. The instructions on the block said space separated too.
nsmsn, if you think it might help someone else, you could file a suggestion for IndieWebify to check for trailing commas in class names like that and provide an explicit warning accordingly (and suggestion to remove the commas) https://github.com/indieweb/indiewebify-me/issues/
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Thanks, I may do that
finally figured out AP-specific HTTP Signatures in Python from spelunking bridgy fed, thanks snarfed++
snarfed has 106 karma in this channel over the last year (160 in all channels)
angelo, I think you mean Mastodon-specific HTTP Signatures. ActivityPub itself does not say at all how to use signatures, whether HTTP or LD, other than providing a "may" endpoint for it with provideClientKey
hi again. so uh, why not just deprecate the web?
i assume it's something we should expect to see more of
angelo, yes it's a de facto via Masto
what is an HTTP Signature
It looks like we don't have a page for "HTTP Signature" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "HTTP Signature is ____", a sentence describing the term)
angelo, probably worth collecting examples / links like that from your spelunking on a page, to help the next implementer do less spelunking
I am about to run into this πŸ™‚
document the footpaths?
superkuh joined the channel
has anyone experimented with p-category inside article posts and federating them via BridgyFed to see if the categories get converted to hashtags in the resulting AS2? too much to hope for? going to try it anyway
or at least tags in general in the AS2, which should be enough for the post to show up in (hash)tag results pages
[Murray], gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__ and lqdev joined the channel
I didn't do it as an experiment, but I just published an article the other day with some p-category https://gregorlove.com/2023/09/weekly-roundup/ and they show up in hashtag search, https://indieweb.social/tags/weeklyroundup
Ooh, that UI is new to me. I'd not seen it show the hashtags under the post content
wow great find gRegor++
gRegor has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (80 in all channels)
that UI is very much worth a screenshot if you don't mind β€” that invalidates a post I was going to write! πŸ™‚
and makes me need to edit another post in progress
there are benefits to letting a draft sit while you consider possibilities
tried on xoxo.zone first and I see "1 post in the last 2 days" when I search, which I'm sure is mine, but when I click into the hashtag to see posts got a popup 401 error about the access token
Now I'm curious to try it with a note post where I don't link the hashtags in the post content like I have been.
hmm they're both running v4.2 so I have no explanation of the difference
this looks like something new to 4.2 (that display of the little chiclet hashtags below the post)
xoxo might have it, just saying I got an odd error trying to view posts by hashtag
v4.1.7 comparison https://social.lifeofpablo.com/tags/WeeklyRoundup so definitely seems like it's new in 4.2
ok that's very cool
now I need to do some BridgyFed experiments with adding p-category to an existing article and sending an Update and seeing if that works
Nice! 🀞
upload a screenshot of your article post showing up on indieweb.social with the hashtag chiclets underneath! we need that on the wiki to cite to update the BridgyFed docs
or maybe include in the BridgyFed docs presuming you used BridgyFed to federate your article
(current BF docs make it sound like only article name & permalink are posted to Mastodon, while clearly you also got p-category to show up as hashtags, and the article shown on the respective tag pages)
Sure, I will shortly
Yep, I only use BF
gRegor++ nice work. your section is so long I'm going to add subheads for citations πŸ™‚
haha, sure
!tell [snarfed] you've like been following the chat here per mention of BridgyFed, however note that as of v4.2 Mastodon appears to support showing tags on articles! https://indieweb.org/Bridgy_Fed#gRegor_article_with_tags Congrats to you for your forward thinking implementation of including the p-category info from article posts in the BridgyFed AS2 of federated articles!
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Could make general purpose sections too, doesn't have to be under my example since it applies across that Mastodon version
whatever works!