#dev 2023-10-08

2023-10-08 UTC
yeah the venue matching has been the thing that bogs me down here.
i did it!
now to make the simplest shortcut that is share target
it's very cool that it grabs the post text from the photo itself
what is shortcut
It looks like we don't have a page for "shortcut" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "shortcut is ____", a sentence describing the term)
would love to see even a brief tutorial of how that works because all I remember from my 2019 (I think IWC AMS?) attempt to do stuff with Shortcuts was it completely didn't work for really simple things like "select a photo"
so I gave up on it
scripting things has gone downhill at Apple across the decades, from simple/reliable to complex/unreliable. HyperTalk -> AppleScript -> Shortcuts
[catgirlinspace]: I have my own as well when needed.
aaronpk: Exif dates do have timezones
Sorry, catching up
This location conversation would make a great pop-up or session
The timezone seems to be in a nonstandard field
aaronpk: I have it on Android...it was in a later Exif spec.. I can get my notes from when I researched it
[preview] [David Shanske] I’ve been working on a patch for WordPress that involves fixing the incorrectly stored timestamp stored as part of WordPress image metadata. I already do something like this in my Simple Location plugin, but I’ve found a way that works more simpl...
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
is there a good way to handle storing geolcation stuff in couchdb? thinking of just making a new document but feel like thatd make queries slow...
sivoais joined the channel
[catgirlinspace]: exiftool can remove tags and/or extract whatever tags you need
I used to have a WordPress plugin for this: https://github.com/petermolnar/wp-extraexif
petermolnar: I remember that
oodani, [KevinMarks], pharalia, mccd, gRegorLove__, gRegorLove_, nertzy, geoffo, [snarfed], gxt and monoob joined the channel
I posted a bit about this #microformats however it seems worth posting here to see what people get out of the messaging: https://twitter.com/SaraSoueidan/status/1710960167116808448
conversation has continued in #microformats a bit, however this is making me think there is a *need* here for a webdev-focused blog post about how NOT to give plumbing/browser-centric advice/guidance to webdevs (typically authors / publishers) and how to give publishing-perspective advice instead.
[KevinMarks] [snarfed]
gerben, sp1ff and gxt joined the channel