#dev 2023-10-21

2023-10-21 UTC
[Dan] joined the channel
since people are using the ostatus.org/schema/1.0/subscribe template anyway, but this only means support for remote-follow, would anything else want to do stuff like rel="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Activity" template="https://whatever/?activity={activity}&object={uri}" ?
inb4 stupid flow that causes phishing opportunities
using the #Activity as a global setting, and being able to override specific activities using rels specific for the activity
a different idea I was thinking, would be to make rel="things" in a page itself if the current URL is also a valid activitypub object upon which the actions can be performed
similar to how pages indicate that they have feeds available
maybe not just current URL, but allow rel= and then a target url in the link or a tag
eitilt, gerben, AramZS, jonnybarnes and geoffo joined the channel
I'm working on a redesign of my website using Eleventy. Currently just the blog, but I plan to merge my blog and rest of my site into a single site soon at rubenwardy.com. The goal is to make it more maintainable, powerful, and easier to make posts. I'll also start doing notes in the future, mostly for snippets and photos.
Features include: light/dark theme, automatic thumbnails, writing stats, wordcounts, backlinks (see which other posts link to the current post), feeds, comments, backfed likes
I'm interested in any feedback you might have: https://blogbeta.rubenwardy.com/
what is a gallery
A gallery is a deliberately curated set of photos, that may itself be a post, or an archive view, or potentially dynamically created via tags https://indieweb.org/gallery
In other news, I've deleted my Instagram
I like the overall design!
I find it slightly odd that the tag list is part of the centered group - in a wide window I would expect the posts to be centered and the tags to be in the margin on one side
That's a good idea, it did bug me how the main content was off center. I'll have to look up how to do that
rubenwardy++ that sounds like an epic personal content unification effort!
rubenwardy has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (8 in all channels)
Also re: deleted instagram, add yourself to /silo-quits if you like!
[aciccarello], [capjamesg], gerben, Xe and AramZS joined the channel
geoffo, gerben and [catgirlinspace] joined the channel