#dev 2023-10-27

2023-10-27 UTC
geoffo and tbbrown joined the channel
[preview] [phillmv] Kids these days don’t know how easy things used to be. You needed data, you fetched it from the database. You wanted to update something, you submitted a form.Now, you can’t tie your own shoe without running npm install. THEY HAVE TAKEN US FOR FO...
gerben joined the channel
so, re: AP and json-ld
I found that sometimes something will be an object, or an array of objects
and it seems to stem from json-ld normalization or something
so, if you aren't going to use json-ld stuff, you'll have to handle both cases for anything you might ever expect to see in an object more than once.
like, tags, attatachments, etc
this is why everything in mf2 parsing is an array
nertzy joined the channel
don't forget the compacted case where it's just a string id
so many options to choose from^H^H crash your code
[KevinMarks]++ yeah that's so nice
[KevinMarks] has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (41 in all channels)
geoffo and AramZS joined the channel
Always treat all external input as adversarial
"why is that webmention coming in? it looks sus"
geoffo, [tantek], Fisher24459951, tbbrown, Staffan, gerben, [KevinMarks] and monoob9 joined the channel
[KevinMarks] I dislike the #t syntax because it requires HTML pages to use JS, whereas the YouTube style ?t= media fragment can be handled fully server side without JS! As you noted the server can translate that into a #t link on the actual embedded media resource
That makes sense. I updated my example https://www.kevinmarks.com/hotlinkmp3.html
I had a quick look, and only safari shows a chapter track in a video element, and only as a popup menu, chrome and firefox don't, so that is not a good alternative.
updated example again
it is a bit of a shame that chapters UI in web audio/video is worse than we had in QuickTime 25 years ago
jonnybarnes joined the channel
Chapters in time media are insufficient like headings in visual media are insufficient yet worse in time media because it is MUCH easier to scan down from a heeding visually than it is to scrub forward from a chapter start
So any chapters UI is kinda meh regardless of how good a job the publisher or media UI does
nertzy and [Jo] joined the channel
Hi. Does adding microformats to a mail signature make sense
Like for HTML email?
[schmarty] joined the channel
I don't think any mail reading apps look for microformats at this time, so there wouldn't be anything to find it.
Yeah i thought so
AramZS joined the channel
I can see it making sense for when you POSSE a post to a public email list, for the original post on your site
[jacky] and barnaby joined the channel
This week's indiewebcamp will be a good one for timezone coding & testing, especially if you dare to code on Saturday and test on Sunday
I love timezone coding
it's satisfying when you get it to work
aaronpk: I inspired myself with yours
[snarfed] joined the channel
I think Bridgy Fed got a mention on today's Vergecast at 1:01:15 : https://pca.st/oit5e4cc
"There's already some connector software that connects Bluesky's decentralized approach to the ActivityPub decentralized approach, and you can see how that thing is just designed to piss everyone off."
"Like the app when you need to move music services, and you always think it'll work, and it never does."
"We'll just see how this goes."
I mean...they're not entirely wrong 😂
"some connector software" is definitely now the new BF tagline
I also don't think of bridgy as bluesky<->activitypub but i guess if you hook up enough things then it could be
I expect they meant Fed, since I've been talking about that a lot, and we haven't announced Bluesky in classic yet
tbbrown, jeremy and kleb joined the channel
I think there's some other direct AP<->bsky bridge/proxy
[sebsel] joined the channel
[aaronpk] I’ve been using Atlases maps (idk if you want to support that still, it’s okay) but the maps now show a message that the service will shut down end of this month
[sebsel]: [tantek] left you a message on 2023-01-18 at 2:52pm UTC: are you still maintaining the Kirby Webmention plug-in, or know who is? https://www.sesin.at/2023/01/18/cve-2017-20174-bastianallgeier-kirby-webmentions-plugin-injection/
i don’t see the message on the maps on your site, so maybe you switched to another thing? if that’s the solution, please say so :)
@tantek: oops, that looks old now, but no, I only maintained a fork of it, and only for the v2 of Kirby
hmm, will have to look into that tho.
(please dont hack but just tell me)
[preview] [Sebastiaan Andeweg] How I hacked my own site by feeding it a profile picture via webmention
stamen tiles are dropping the free tier IIRC
you can switch to one of the other tilesets
if you want to use one that has an API key like mapbox you can use `tileurl`
oh nice, okay! that sounds like a manageable project
quick fix is change `stamen-toner` or whatever to `gray`
I switched to the other site that's hosting stamen and signed up and they don't seem to detect my usage
geoffo and tbbrown joined the channel
stamen is getting out of the tile-hosting game. they have an agreement with Stadia to host the stamen toner tiles at a Stadia domain. generous free tier. details in https://indieweb.org/static_maps#Services