[jacky]_one_ thing I think about with Wordpress is the difficulty of integration (because it requires theme editing and that requires someone having a site to know more beyond their Wordpress panel)
[jacky]and that's not necessarily unique to it - it's the papering over the IndieWeb specs and interactivity that http://micro.blog provides as well tbh
[jacky]this makes me think about /sidefiles again because that _could_ help one make a plugin that served either MF2+JSON or MF2+HTML pages for Wordpress sites
[jacky]and would help people transition if _they_ could (would be a pluralistic approach to how people engage one of the requirements of IW engagement)
Loqiapplication/mf2+json is an experimental MIME type for the canonical JSON output of a microformats2 parser that is explicitly consumed by at one implementation (XRay), and published by at least two (Granary, WordPress mf2 feed plugin) https://indieweb.org/application/mf2%2Bjson
aaronpkthe downside of consuming json from a site is you have to do a ton more error checking to validate that it is even remotely valid mf2 json, vs consuming the html with your own microformats parser where you know the result is valid mf2 json even if the data might still be wrong
Loqiaaronpk: [schmarty] left you a message 2 days, 4 hours ago: looks like p3k/xray needs a new packagist release? v1.12.0 is current but tied to mf2/mf2 ^0.4. that conflicts w/ indieweb/indieauth-client-php which requires mf2/mf2 ^0.5. p3k/xray dev-main is up-to-date on deps tho'
[jacky]oh right, I was thinking of something that was agnostic from Wordpress but could be used/advertised by Wordpress to encourage adoption elsewhere